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05-05-1980 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1980 Minutes
05-05-1980 Park Board Minutes
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May 5 , 1980 <br /> Park Board Meeting <br /> ^� The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to order at <br /> 7 : 30 P.M. by Chairman Liljedahl . Members present; Shaughnessy , Johnson , <br /> Scherer. Absent; Krouse, Foster. Mrs . Liljedahl introduced the new member, <br /> Mrs . Susan Sears . <br /> The minutes of Feb 4 , 1980 were considered . Mr . Scherer moved to approve <br /> the minutes as presented . Seconded by Mr . Shaughnessy Motion carried . <br /> The minutes of March 3, 1980 were considered. Mr. Shaughnessymoved to approve <br /> as presented. Seconded by Mr. Scherer. Motion carried . <br /> Under old Business , Mr. Roy Stanley was to be present . Mr. Schumacher ex- <br /> plained that Mr . Stanley was out of town when the office had called last <br /> Firday . A message had been left but apparently he was unable to attend <br /> this meeting. <br /> Mr. Schumacher felt this Board should initiate it 's own recommendation <br /> for Council consideration . This matter deals with the plat Sunset Oaks . <br /> At the present time there is one Tot Lot and there should either be more <br /> Park land or money in leiu of. To date the only thing that has been done <br /> is the Tot Lot and the City has the deed to that parcel of land . <br /> Mrs . Liljedahl gave a brief history of this plat for the benifit of Mrs . <br /> Sears . <br /> �\ Mr. Schumacher presented a map of this plat for the Board ' s consideration . <br /> After some discussion on the matter of the Park Lands in this area , Mr . <br /> Shaughnessy moved to recommend to the Council that Building Permits be <br /> withheld until Mr . Stanley appears and clears this matter . Seconded by <br /> Mr . Scherer . Motion carried. <br /> The map of Sunset Oaks was consulted . The general consensus of the Board <br /> was that some lands had been designated as a Park but it not on the plat . <br /> Someone asked about the pictures of the Tot Lot and no one knew where they <br /> were . Mr . Schumacher said he would see that some were taken . <br /> After consulting the maps of this plat , it would appear that the location <br /> of the parks , Lot 15 & 16 , - Block 2 of Sunset Oaks with Lot 6 andBLotklO , <br /> Mr. Schumacher will take this map and present this to the Council for <br /> action . <br /> Mr. Steve Wells was present to discuss the Country Lakes Park. As a member <br /> of the Home Owners Association of that area , he is representing that <br /> organization in discussing the development of that park . <br /> Mr. Schumacher presented the map that had been forwarded to the State <br /> in conjunction with the LAWCON Grant application . Mr . Scumacher pointed <br /> out this is a preliminary application and can be amended if this is approved . <br /> Mr . Schumacher presented the plans that have been developed for this Park . <br /> This includes a beach area , boat launching area , 600 ' walking trail , a <br /> picnic area and an open field for pick up games , to include a fishing dock . <br /> There will be dredging, landscaping, access road and parking lots . The <br /> City ' s portion of this cost would be approximately $70,000 . 00 . <br /> Mr. Schumacher reported that this entire project is not required to be <br /> completed in one year. He felt the City would have approximately four <br />
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