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01-07-1980 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1980 Minutes
01-07-1980 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting <br /> January 7 1980 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to order <br /> at 8 : 00 P.M. on January 7 , 1980 by Chairperson Liljedahl . Mrs . Liljedahl <br /> reminded the Board Members this meeting is being taped and asked that <br /> when motions are made that they identify themselves . <br /> Members present ; Shaughnessy , Scherer , Johnson , Liljedahl . Absent; Foster <br /> Cheesebrough , Crouse . <br /> Mr. Scherer moved to approve the minutes of December 3, 1979 as pre- <br /> sented . Seconded by Mr. Johnson . Motion declared passed . <br /> The election of officers was considered . Mr . Scherer moved to appoint <br /> Mrs . Liljedahl as chairperson . Seconded by Mr , Shaughnessy . The motion <br /> declared passed. <br /> Mr . Scherer moved to appoint Mr , Tom Shaughnessy as Vice-chairmam. Seconded <br /> by Mr . Johnson . Motion declared passed. <br /> 1yrs . Liljedahl introduced Mr . Marty Jesson of the Metropolitan Parks <br /> and asked him to explain the problems in relation to the City 's grant <br /> application . <br /> Mr . Jesson explained that the State Planning Agency is the ones responsible <br /> for the administration of the grant . The major items that affect who get <br /> the grants was explained. A very minor portion of the monies available <br /> �.� _goes to the rural area , with no more than $100 ,000 . 00 going to any one <br /> area . The applications are ranked are ranked within their respective <br /> areas . The projects compete against other projects . Metro looks at <br /> four things 1) how many people will be served by the project; what are <br /> the charteristic of the populations; Z) the sites design - can the site <br /> support what is being planned; 3) the community 's ability to program use <br /> of the site; 4) is usable by entire population , area threatened by develop- <br /> ment , overall planning of community - fiscal effort and conditions of <br /> community - their own effort . <br /> After the recreational portion is rated, then the housing factor is <br /> considered. He asked if there were specific questions and Mrs . Liljedahl <br /> gestioned the fact that Lino Lakes was not considered because the City is <br /> not rated in either classification . <br /> The availability of water and sewer was questioned and Mr . Jesson said <br /> this is one of the areas considered and is a factor . <br /> Mrs . Liljedahl asked if the policy plans that affect the rating of this <br /> City and Mr. Jesson said the completion of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan <br /> indicating the planned development area and the people who would be served <br /> by this park. The plan should include the capital improvement program. <br /> The part that the housing plays in consideration of these grants was <br /> discussed. A certain availability of low income houseing, multiple <br /> dwellings , senior citizen housing - these all pay a part . Mr . Jesson <br /> also reminded the Board that this City only competes with the rural areas <br /> within the metropolitan area - not some small community out state . <br /> Mr. Jesson advised the Board that if they were to submit this same plan <br /> for a grant this year , to relate this project to the population and be sure <br /> the Council gets full information on this factor . <br />
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