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03-05-1979 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1979 Minutes
03-05-1979 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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March 5, 1979 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes , Parks , Recreation and <br /> Environmental Commission was called to order at 8 :00 P.M. , Monday, <br /> March 5 , 1979 , by Chairperson Liljedahl . Members present : Foster, <br /> Shaughnessy, Scherer, Johnson, and Cheesebrough. Members absent: <br /> Crouse and Zelinka, Council liason. <br /> Mr. Scherer declared the minutes of February 5 , 1979 , stand approved <br /> as written. <br /> Dick Schackl and Tom Kaluza were present to request the use of Sunrise <br /> Park for a Lions Club general fund raiser on September 8 and 9 , 1979 . <br /> Mr. Shaughnessy asked the members of the Commission for their <br /> suggestions on this project. Mr. Schackl inquired as to the electrical <br /> backup and electrical outlets . Clerk Anderson stated she would check <br /> on the elctrical facilities as well as the availability of the Park <br /> in relation to the summer softball tournament. <br /> Mr. Schackl advised the Commission that this was to be general fund <br /> raiser which include a men' s and women' s softball tournament, a food <br /> wagon, for which-he was advised by Clerk Anderson that the food <br /> handling license would have to be gotten from the County, a dance <br /> and a Children 's Carnival . <br /> Mr. Scherer stated that money would be escrowed for the clean up. <br /> Mrs . Liljedahl replyed to Mr. Schackl that there are two Satellites <br /> at the park that are provided by the Commission through Labor Day <br /> weekend. Mr. Schackl stated that the Lions Club would pay the <br /> cost of having the Satellites remain through the following weekend, <br /> which would be the weekend of the event. <br /> Mrs. Liljedahl advised Mr. Schackl that the Commission felt the <br /> Lions Club should provide for their own police protection which <br /> would benefit not only the Lions Club but also the people attending <br /> a large outdoor event. <br /> Mr. Scherer suggested to Mr. Schackl the hiring of one of Lino <br /> Lakes ' off duty policemen to perform this duty. <br /> Clerk Anderson provided both Mr. Schackl and Mr. Kaluza with a <br /> copy of the city ordinance relating to the use of the city parks <br /> for their information. <br /> Mrs.Liljedahl stated to Mr. Schackl that the Commission would <br /> need to know their plans for insurance, acquiring a "special <br /> use" permit for the serving of 3 .2 beer, police protection, etc . ; <br /> that the Commission is merely a recommending board and that some- <br /> one from the Lions Club should be present at the next Council <br /> meeting on March 12 to present their plan to the Council. <br /> n Clerk Anderson said that she would check with the City Attorney <br /> to see what other information would be required, and that a <br /> detailed plan should be presented to the Commission by July or <br /> August. <br />
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