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04-18-1977 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1977 Minutes
04-18-1977 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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April 18, 1977 <br /> The regular meeting of the Park, Recreation and Environmental Commission was called to <br /> order at 8: 10 P.M. April 18, 1977 by Chairman Resch. Members present; Averbeck, Resch, <br /> Ringaman and Gredvig. Members absent: Olson, Scherer, Liljedahl . Mr. Schneider Council <br /> Liason was also present. <br /> Mr. Ringaman moved to accept the minutes of March 21 , 1977 as presented. Mr. Gredvig <br /> seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Gary Sarner and two other gentlemen asked if and when the ballfields at Sunrise Park <br /> were to be limed. Mr. Schneider explained that Mr. Volk has prepared a requisition and <br /> it would be considered at the April 25, 1977 Council meeting. Mr. Ringaman further ex- <br /> plained that there will be additonal dirt at the ballfields for filling in holes and <br /> maintaining the fields. <br /> Mr. Sarner asked why traffic is stopped before ballfi6ld #1 at the north east corner of <br /> Sunrise Park. Mr. Ringaman explained that there is too much teen age traffic and a park- <br /> ing and patrolling problem occurs. <br /> Mr. Sarner asked about the policy and cost of holding softball tournaments in the Park. <br /> Ordinance #61 was consulted and Mr. Resch consulted his softball tournament specification <br /> sheet. Mr. Sarner was told he could get further information from Mrs. Sarner. <br /> Mr. Ringaman recommended two trash barrels be placed at each ballfield and be emptied on <br /> on a regular basis. <br /> Mr. Sarner asked if drinking is permitted during softball practice. He was told that <br /> Ordinance #61 prohibits consuming any alcoholic beverage on Park lands. <br /> Mr. Sarner asked if he and his ball team could drag the ballfields and haul in extra <br /> dirt. Mr. Resch suggested that he consult Mr. Volk before starting anything but did <br /> not see any problem. <br /> Mr. Schneider said he feels getting help from the community for maintaining the Parks is <br /> always nice. Those who use the Parks usually know the conditions better and can give <br /> good ideas. <br /> Mr. Sarner asked if the te4 'bf son the scoreboard could be locked up. Last year the num- <br /> bers were used for bases etc. Mr. Ringaman suggested that the two softball teams who use <br /> the field buy a padlock with three keys. Each team would keep a key and the third key <br /> would be left at City Hall . <br /> The Park Board thanked the gentlemen for coming this evening. <br /> Mr. Schneider reported the actions of the Council on the Park Board recommendations. He <br /> also said that Mr. Carlo Sooger from Centennial schools asked the Council for money for <br /> support of their summer recreation program. The Council postponed action on his request. <br /> Mr. Schneider attended the meeting at Bunker Prairie Community Center where a Mud Cat <br /> was discussed for dredging the lakes. Mr. Schneider felt it will be a while before this <br /> project becomes operational . There is a problem with funding. <br /> Mr. Ringaman noted that the remnants of the Woodshed ballfield is still at Sunrise Park. <br /> The Park Board had directed at the March 21 , 1977 meeting that it be entirely cleared. <br /> Mrs. Anderson will check with Mr. Volk on this matter. <br />
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