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03-21-1977 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1977 Minutes
03-21-1977 Park Board Minutes
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March 21 , 1977 <br /> The regular meeting of the Park, Recreation and Environmental Commission was called to <br /> order at 8: 10 P.M. March 21 , 1977 by Chairman Resch. Members present: Resch, Ringaman, <br /> Liljedahl , Scherer and Averbeck. Members absent: Olson, Gredvig. Mr. Schneider Council <br /> liason and Mr. Volk were also present. <br /> Mr. Ringaman moved to approve the February 21 , 1977 minutes. Mrs. Liljedahl seconded <br /> the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Koosman, a Lino Lakes resident who is associated with the Centennial Hockey Assn. <br /> appeared before the Commission to discuss the problems of the past hockey season. <br /> Mr. Koosman said the only big complaint is the hockey lights. He would encourage the <br /> City to restore one hockey rink and improve the lighting. The second rink could be <br /> dismantled and used as a pleasure rink only. <br /> Mr. Koosman explained that as far as the maintenance of the rink is concerned there <br /> are several ways of handling this. Other Cities contract the work or the City hires <br /> one person to supervise rinks. The hockey association does not want any part of main- <br /> taining rinks. Mr. Resch said he understood that the maintenance situation as worked <br /> out between Mr. Volk and the parents wmrked well and he hoped it could continue. <br /> Mr. Schneider said he felt part of the problem this past season was that the City got <br /> together with the Hockey Assn. to late. This is why he would like to schedule another <br /> meeting in July. <br /> Mr. Koosman said again that the coaches would rather see onegood rink with proper light- <br /> ing. He said that two rinks do present a conjestion problem in the warming house. <br /> Mr. Ringaman said he felt there was not enough time or money this year to start over. <br /> He thought upgrading the present rink would be all that could be done. <br /> Mrs. Liljedahl moved to have Mr. Volk bring cost estimates of improving the rink and <br /> lighting to the Commission meeting in July. Mrs. Averbeck seconded the motion. Motion <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Ringaman moved to invite Mr. Koosman to meet with the Commission in July. Mrs. <br /> Liljedahl seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> The Commission thanked Mr. Koosman for coming tonight. <br /> Mr. Schneider asked Mr. Volk to check with the other communities and ask how they maint- <br /> ain their hockey rinks. He would like to know what other communities costs are and how <br /> these costs are controlled. <br /> Mr. Volk asked the Commission how many ballfields they want treated with ag. lime and <br /> how much lime on each field. He said he would like to do this during the latter part <br /> of April . No definite directions were given to Mr. Volk. <br /> Mr. Volk asked the Commission to consider purchasing a new mower for maintaining the <br /> parks. The purchase price would be $550.00. The present mower will require $130.00 <br /> of new parts before it can be used. After some discussion Mr. Ringaman moved to set <br /> an in depth study of the Park Commission finances for the April meeting and let Mr. <br /> Volk know at that time whether to purchase a new mower or repair the present one. Mr. <br /> Scherer seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />
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