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02-21-1977 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1977 Minutes
02-21-1977 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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February 21 , 1977 <br /> The regular meeting of the Park, Recreation and Environmental Commission was called <br /> to order at 8:06 P.M. February 21 , 1977 by Chairman Resch . Members present: Resch, <br /> Ringaman, Olson, Liljedahl , Gredvig, Averbeck and Scherer. Mr. Schneider, Council Lia- <br /> son was also present. Members absent: None. <br /> After discussion of the January 17, 1977 meinutes Mr. Gredvig moved to approve the <br /> minutes as written. Mr. Scherer seconded the motion. Motion carried unanim©usly. <br /> Mr. Schneider reported that he and Mr. Gredvig attended the Open Space meeting at <br /> Bunker Prairie Park. They toured the facilities there and Mr. Torkildson reviewed <br /> the Open Space program for them. Mr. Schneider said he would get some maps and will <br /> review it for the Commission at the next Commission meeting. Presently it appears <br /> the main entrances will be at Aqua Lane and Centerville Lake. <br /> Mr. Gredvig felt that Mr. Torkildson had a good presentation but rather informal and <br /> the plans are riot finalized. He said he would be surprised if everything goes as <br /> planned. Most of the planning and staging depends on financing. <br /> Mr. Schneider said that the County is in the process of purchasing a dredging machine <br /> and is using it in Bunker Lake and possibly will use it in our area. <br /> Mrs. Averbeck asked Mr. Schneider if someone will be hired for patrol or to be in charge. <br /> Mr. Torkilson is presently in charge and will probably hire some one in the future. <br /> Mr. Torkildson said there was talk about a halfway house in the system for juvenile <br /> offenders. <br /> Mr. Ringaman asked if therewould be any conflects with the Area Pilots Assn. plans <br /> for dredging and Mr. Torkildson's Opens Space Program. Mr. Olson had been at the Feb. <br /> 14, 1977 Council meeting and updated the Council on the actions of the Pilots Assn. <br /> Mr. Schneider saw Mrs. Billik recently and she told him she did not see any problem <br /> with her heating wood supply. Mr. Myhre and Mr. Volk check on her occassionally. <br /> New Plats <br /> Mr. Schneider presented a map to the Commission showing all the new and proposed plats <br /> within the City. Mr. Scherer asked if the money given by the developer was dedicated <br /> for park purposes. Mr. Schneider said that there is going to be a meeting with the <br /> Auditor and this will be discussed. Mr. Scherer felt that in the future he would like <br /> to see the developer give the City money and not land. He feels the land should be <br /> left on the tax rolls. Mr. Schneider said Cher are other problems with park land. For <br /> instance in the Lexington Park, Lakeview area where sewers are being considered, if the <br /> sewers go in it would involve Sunrise Park and the City itself will be liable for some <br /> expense. <br /> Mr. Scherer asked if dedicated park land could be sold and the City realize some cash. <br /> Mr. Schneider said he would look into this. <br /> Mr. Ringaman asked how the Planning and Zoning Board are considering the new plats. <br /> "-,%\He was told the Planning and Zoning Board meets regularly and are presently drafting <br /> a new Comprehensive Land Use Program. <br /> Mr. Ringaman asked the Commission if it will make a report to the Council as requred <br /> in Ordinance #57, Section 14E. Mr. Schneider said he would ask the Council if they <br /> want the report. <br />
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