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12-20-1976 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1976 Minutes
12-20-1976 Park Board Minutes
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n December 20, 1976 <br /> The regular meeting of the Park, Recreation and Environmental Commission was called <br /> to order at 8:20 P.M. December 20, 1976 by Chairman Resch. Members present: Ring- <br /> aman, Gredvig and Scherer. Members absent: Olson, Hanson, Liljedahl . Mr. Schneider <br /> and Mr. Volk were also present. <br /> Susan Spain, a University student who is working with Jolly Roberts on planning a - <br /> park at City Hall was present to discuss her letter to Mr. Resch which outlines their <br /> schedule for completing their planning and the cost of the planning. <br /> Mr. Schneider explained to the Commission that Mr. Gotwald at the Council meeting <br /> on December 13, 1976 had stated it was almost impossible to apply for any special park <br /> grants without a comprehensive park plan. Mr. Schneider felt the Council would pro- <br /> bably be more receptive to this sort of planning now since this statement was made <br /> by Mr. Gotwald. Mr. Schneider further explained that theee will . be dedicated monies <br /> available to pay the student requests. <br /> Ms. Spain explained to the Commission Heir stage by stage planning. She presented <br /> three preliminary concept maps for the Commission to consider and to show the work <br /> that has already been completed. <br /> Ms. Spain explained students working on such projects usually earn $4.00 per hour. <br /> She and Ms. Roberts calculated they would earn less than a $1 .00 per hour_ doing this <br /> project. <br /> Mr. Ringaman asked Ms. Spain if she was receiving credit for this project. She said <br /> No. She explained that this year was the first opportunity they had to do this sort <br /> of thing. <br /> Mr. Gredvig asked her what her field of study was. She said Landscape Architecture. <br /> Mr. Scherer arrived at 8:35 P.M. <br /> Mr. Schneider asked Ms. Spain what the next step it? She explained more refined <br /> and accurate detailing, land contours, etc. <br /> Mr. Gredvig asked if their design would include a planting plan, specifications of <br /> plants etc. Ms. Spain said, Yes <br /> Mr. Gredvig moved to recommend to the Council that the City contract with Ms. Spain <br /> and Ms. Roberts to prepare a master plan of the park at City Hall as per their letter <br /> to Mr. Resch. Motion seconded by Mr. Scherer. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Ringaman asked Ms. Spain if it was possible to complete stages I and II of their <br /> plan and then re-evaluate the situation. Ms. Spain said, Yes, they would like to work <br /> stage by stage. <br /> Mr. Schneider will present the motion to the Council and will then contact Mr. Resch <br /> and tell him of their decision. Mr. Resch will then contact Ms. Spain and return the <br /> prel iminary maps to her. <br /> n <br /> Mr. Scherer moved to approve the minutes of November 15, 1976. Seconded by Mr. Gredvig. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Schneider explained to the Commission that he, Mr. Volk and Mr. Ringaman had met <br /> with the Centennial Hockey Assn. to clear up some communication problems. <br />
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