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11-15-1976 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1976 Minutes
11-15-1976 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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November 15, 1976 <br /> The regular meeting of the Park Recreation and Environmental Commission was called <br /> to order at 8:06 P.M. November 15, 1976 by Chairman Resch. Members present: Olson, <br /> Resch, Gredvig, Ringaman, Liljedahl , Scherer and Hanson. Members absent: none. Mr. <br /> Schneider Council liaison was also present. <br /> Mrs. Anderson call the roll . Mr. Ringaman asked for clarification of the October 19, <br /> 1976 minutes on page 2, paragraph 7. After discussion, Mrs. Liljedahl moved to accept <br /> the minutes as prepared. Mr. Scherer seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br /> Hockey Rink Guidelines <br /> Mr. Tilton representing the Centennial Hockey Assn. asked for clarification of the <br /> use of the hockey rinks and the flooding. He wanted to know who keeps the keys to <br /> the warming house. Mrs. Liljedahl explained to him, Mrs. Billik had the keys. <br /> Mr. Gredvig arrived at 8: 14 P.M. <br /> Mr. Tilton suggested the hockey rinks would stay in better shape if the outside of <br /> the rinks could be banked. He also asked about hoses for flooding, saying he could <br /> get some hoses if they are needed. <br /> The grading of the rinks was discussed. Mr. Tilton felt they needed to be absolute- <br /> ly level for proper maintenance. <br /> Mr. Ringaman asked Mr. Tilton if he knew anything about blacktopped hockey rinks. <br /> Mr. Tilton said, No. <br /> Mr. Resch asked Mr. Tilton when the Centennial Hockey Assn. will meet again. Mr. <br /> Tilton said November 29, 1976. Mr. Resch suggested asking Mr. Volk to attend this <br /> meeting for further explanation of the guidelines. <br /> Mr. Tilton said he felt the hockey rinks were in good general condition. <br /> The Park Commission thanked Mr. Tilton for coming this evening. <br /> Mr. Smothers and Mrs. Thiel of the Lino Lakes Recreation Assn. were here to discuss <br /> the hockey rink guidelines. Mr. Smothers asked when the rinks will be graded. He <br /> was told the pleasure rink will Feāgraded soon, probably this week. <br /> Mr. Smothers asked who is responsible for accidents on the rinks. The Park Commission <br /> felt that the Association would be responsible for accidents on the hockey rinks. <br /> Mr. Ringaman felt that since the pleasure rink is for freepublic use the liability <br /> belongs to the City. Mrs. Anderson is to check with Mrs. Sarner and the City insur- <br /> ance carrier. <br /> Mrs. Smothers asked if a trailer would be brought in to serve as a warming house. <br /> Mr. Schneider explained the trailer had not been approved as yet by the Council because <br /> cost estimates were not provided. He felt that this should be checked into as soon <br /> as possible in case a trailer needed to be reserved. <br /> n <br /> Mr. Ringaman felt operating costs needed to be taken into consideration as well . <br /> Mr. Scherer felt it would be hard to estimate heating costs since the doors of the <br /> trailer are constantly being opened. <br /> Mrs. Thiel asked about bathroom facilities and Mr. Ringaman told her they were sort <br />
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