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10-19-1976 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1976 Minutes
10-19-1976 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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October 19, 1976 <br /> The regular meeting of the Park Recreation and Environmental Commission was called to <br /> order at 8: 10 P.M. October 19, 1976 by Chairman Resch. Members present: Resch, Olson <br /> Liljedahl , Gredvig, Ringaman. Members absent: Hanson, Scherer. Mr. Schneider, Council <br /> liaison was also present. <br /> Mrs. Anderson called the roll and read the minutes of the August 30, 1976 meeting. Mr. <br /> Gredvig moved to accept the August 30, 1976 minutes as read. Motion seconded by Mr. <br /> Olson Olson. Motion carried. <br /> Mr. Schneider introduced Mrs. James Hill and Steve Hill to the Commission. Steve is <br /> a boy scout and working on his Eagle Scout badge. He presented the Commission his <br /> drawing of the Lino Park and his proposal _ to plant about 100 maple and apple trees. <br /> Steve said he would like to do this work on Thursday, October 21 , 1976. <br /> Discussion followed and several suggestions were made. <br /> Mr. Ringaman moved to recommend to the Council that Steve be allowed to plant the trees <br /> stipulating that the trees be placed at a reasonable distance from the fences and from <br /> the ballfields. <br /> Mr. Schneider said he would check with the Lino Lakes Lions Club to determine if this <br /> project will interfere with their plans for the park. He will then get back to Steve. <br /> Mr. Gredvig seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br /> Mrs. Anderson will contact Mr. McLean to determine if he knows where the Lions Club <br /> drawings of Lino Park is. <br /> Mrs. Anderson will also contact Mr. Volk to have the water turned on so that the trees <br /> can be watered at planting. <br /> The Commission thanked Mrs. Hill and Steve for coming. <br /> Mr. Schneider presented Mr. Mobleys proposal for repair of the barn at Sunrise Park. <br /> Discussion followed. Mr. Resch talked to Mr. Mobley on the phone to clarify exactly <br /> what construction is to be done. Mr. Gredvig moved to recommend to the Council that <br /> the barn be repaired as proposed by Mr. Mobley. Motion seconded by Mr. Olson. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> Mrs. Liljedahl arrived at 8:45. P.M. <br /> Mr. Schneider presented Mr. Volks drawing of the proposed warming house located inside <br /> the shop. After discussion the Commission decided to table the matter until later in <br /> the meeting so that the members can go into the shop and look at the area. <br /> Mr. Schneider presented Mr. Volks cost figures on preparing a pleasure rink at City <br /> Hall Park. After discussion Mr. Ringaman spoke to Mr. Volk on the phone. Mr. Volk <br /> explained to Mr. Ringaman why he felt it was necessary to survey the area. If the <br /> area is not level more water and man hours would be used in maintaining the rink. <br /> After further discussion, Mr. Gredvig moved to recommend to the Council that the plea- <br /> sure rink be constructed as presented by Mr. Volk. Motion seconded by Mrs. Liljedahl . <br /> Motion carried. <br /> La Motte Outlot: Mr. Schneider stated the La Motte outlot issue is dead for the pre- <br />
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