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08-30-1976 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1976 Minutes
08-30-1976 Park Board Minutes
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August 30, 1976 <br /> A special meeting of the Park Recreation and Environmental Commission was called to <br /> order at 8: 10 P.M. August 30, 1976 by Chairman Resch. Members present; Resch, Olson <br /> Ringaman, Liljedahl and Gredvig. Members absent; Scherer, Hanson. Council Liason <br /> Schneider was also present. <br /> Mr. Gredvig moved to approve the July 19, 1976 minutes as printed. Seconded by Mr. <br /> Olson. Motion carried. <br /> Old Business <br /> Mr. Schneider stated in regard to the LaMotte Road outlot, that there are three (3) <br /> alternatives in handling this problem; 1 ) lease it to the homeowners on the Lake <br /> at a fixed rate. The land then becomes taxable; 2) sell it at a reasonable price; <br /> 3) have the Police Department prepare a parking study of the area for the posting <br /> of No Parking signs around and near the access. Mr. Locher, City Attorney, would have <br /> to get authority from the St. Paul Water Department for use of 25' bordering the water. <br /> The above three alternatives for handling the property were suggested by Mr. Locher. <br /> Mr. Resch said because of the weather this fall would be an ideal time for improving <br /> the property. <br /> Mr. Schneider said he would get back to both Mr. Simonson and Mr. Locher. <br /> Mr. Resch stated the Commission is still waiting to hear from Mr. Mobley regarding <br /> upgrading the Barn at Sunrise Park. Mr. Mobley will include cost figures too. <br /> Mr. Ringaman asked that the fire extinguisher at the Barn at Sunrise Park be examined. <br /> Mrs. Anderson will contact Mr. Volk to have it upgraded. <br /> Mr. Resch stated Mr. Hanson took the the material for making seats for playground <br /> equipment at Lino Park. He said he would have the seats made when school resumes. <br /> Mr. Jerry Hanson, a member of Lino Lakes Recreation Assn. asked the City Council on <br /> August 23, 1976 for the use of a portion of Lino Park for two (2) soccer fields and <br /> City Hall Park for one ( 1 ) field. These are practice fields only and not permanent <br /> installations. The Council had referred the matter to the Park Commission for their <br /> recommendations. <br /> Mr. Ringaman said the recommendation should not interfere with other organized sports. <br /> There should clearly not be a conflict. <br /> Mr. Gredvig moved to allow the establishment of two temporary soccor fields at Lino <br /> Party: and one practice field at City Hall Park. Mr,4; Liljedahl seconded the motion. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Mr. Resch requested the use of the outside lights for football proctice for the Lino <br /> Lakes Recreation Assn. The use wouJd include three nights a week, one hour each night. <br /> Discussion followed. Mr. Resch said he would be responsible for the lights. Mr. <br /> Ringaman moved to authorize the use of the Hall Park Iights for the Lino Lakes Rec- <br /> reation Assn. for football practice. (one hour per night, three nights per week for <br /> one month, a total of 12 to 15 hours ) Mrs. Liljedahl seconded the motion. Motion <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Schneider informed the Park Commission of the situation with the La Fond property. <br /> adjacent to Sunrise Park. The ball players are using the La Fond property for bathroom <br />
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