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03-17-1975 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1975 Minutes
03-17-1975 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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MARCH 17, 1975 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Parks, Recreation 3 Environment <br /> Commission was called to order at 8:00 P.M. on March 17, 1975 by Chair- <br /> man Clausen. Members present: LeTourneau, Gourley and Resch. Members <br /> absent: Kendall, Brisson and McGeary. Councilman McLean was also present. <br /> Mrs. LeTourneau moved to approve the minutes of the February 17, 1975 <br /> meeting. Before the minutes were approved, Mr. Gourley pointed out <br /> that on page 1, paragraph 3 that Mr. Stanley's first name should be changed <br /> to Roy . Mr. Clausen pointed out that on page 2, paragraph 6,line the word <br /> Put should be changed to read "be". Mr. Gourley moved to accept the minutes <br /> with the noted corrections. Seconded by Mrs. LeTourneau. Motion carried. <br /> Mr. Clausen pointed out that he would ask Mr,.Carl Nelson of the Hockipy <br /> Association to have the schedules for the 1975-1976 season into the city <br /> office just as soon as it was available. He did not feel that he should <br /> be responsible for getting the schedules into the office since he Is not <br /> a member of the hockey board. <br /> The first item for discussion was the proposal submitted by Mr. Gotwald, <br /> City Engineer, for the warming house at the Hall Park. Mr. McLean stated <br /> that he had had the opportunity to discuss the prices of buildings with a <br /> member of the Anoka County Park Board and was told that they were currently <br /> n spending about $16,000.00 for buildings with the same facilities that this <br /> Board is considering. <br /> -Mr. Resch -sa!d he understood that New Brighton was spending about- $20,000.00 <br /> per building at this time. <br /> Mrs. LeTourneau pointed out that these figures were fine for communities <br /> and counties that had that kind of money but that they are way out of line <br /> for the budget that we must work within. She wanted toknow if we were going <br /> to have to start cutting corners now on the warming house for the Hall Park <br /> and if so, how much and where? Mrs. LeTourneau said that if we have to <br /> start trimming now we would only end up with the same problems that are <br /> being experienced at Sunrise Park - inadequate facilities for the use that <br /> the Park gets. <br /> Mr. Mclean said that the size could remainthe same but the toilet facilites <br /> could be stubbed in for now as one way to cut the costs. <br /> A discussion followed on ,just where to cut corners for the warming house <br /> at the Hail Park and it was decided that the building could be cut down <br /> to a 10' x 24' building for the present +ime and the toilet facilities would <br /> be put In now but nothing else. <br />
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