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10-21-1974 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1974 Minutes
10-21-1974 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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October 21 , 1974 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park, Recreational and Enviornmental Commis- <br /> sion was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman McGeary. Members present: <br /> Mrs. LeToauneau, Mrs. Brisson, Mr. Kent; members absent: Mr.Resch, Mrs . Kendall , <br /> and Mr. Clausen. Councilman McLean was also present. <br /> Mr. Mc Geary moved to accept the minutes of the September 17, 1974 meetins as <br /> written. Seconded by Mrs. 8risson. Motion carried. <br /> Mr. Mclean said the budget for 1975 was approved with the exception of the <br /> fencing at the Hall Park which would bring the budget to approximately $25,000 <br /> including the credit for the $8,000 of Federal Revenue Sharing. Other than <br /> the fencing there is no problem with our budget. Mr. McLean suggested that <br /> some definite plans about the warming house is needed for the Hall Park. He <br /> s.i;d that the plans should be firmed up this winter so that construction can <br /> strt in the spring. <br /> m r, K:en t asked if the engineer had some sketches for the commission or if the <br /> .c._ -rr,ission was to provide the sketch? <br /> ?;•. McLean advised the commission that it should provide some plans for the <br /> i nee r and that It would be a good idea to come up with an overall plan <br /> r-:-at could be adopted for future use at all parks. in this way the commission <br /> i.,F,uid have bettercontrol over the costs of such units. The warming houses <br /> would be constoucted under the control of Mr. Gotwald. <br /> Mrs. 8risson had questions of the skating rinks - would they be graded, leveled, <br /> etc. in the for the ice season this year? <br /> Mr. McLean informed here that the hockey rings had been staked and blue-lined <br /> already. �*q also told here that the requis i:ion for leveling off using Class 5 <br /> had been approved and that the rinks mould be ready for use in December. Mr. <br /> McLean also advised the commission that backstopes were being made to guard <br /> aJainst flying pucks and that they would be made 6f wood and wire mesh. <br /> r,e said that Mr. CAri Nelson had offered to build the backstops but that Mr. Volk <br /> had indiyated that he could probably do it here at the hall cheaper. It was <br /> ,!er.e io`ed that Mr. Volk and 111r. Johnson could build the backstops and that Mr. <br /> ,-'an +youid recommend that they do it at the next council meeting. A completion <br /> }v of December 15 was tentatively set for the backstops to be on and <br /> rstztled. <br /> Mr. t'cGeary brought up the question of a warming house at the Hall Park. He <br /> rp;-iciered what was going to be done about it for the coming season? Will we <br /> rer:% a trailer again and If so from whom and what would the cost be? <br /> fa-, rent reminded the commission that last year the rent was approximately <br /> ,013 per month and that we had the triter from December 15, to March 15th. <br /> said that we would have to make arragements to pick It up and return it. <br /> S <br />
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