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I r <br /> 9 . Commercial Park Dedication <br /> (Members still had questions on this and asked if they could <br /> get figures from a recent project as an example. They also <br /> wanted to know if the city could inform them of what money <br /> is received so they have an idea of how much is in the ded- <br /> icated park fund - Barry will talk to Mary Kay) <br /> 10 Other Old Business <br /> (Referendum - George will talk to Brauer about time frame <br /> for fall election - may need to form a subcommittee to work <br /> on this issue. Miller South Glen Project - Paul asked <br /> about the status of this project - Barry will get status. <br /> Wenzel Farm Bridge - Board wanted to know status - Barry <br /> told them as much as he knows. YMCA - Barry told the Park <br /> Board he will look into this and will report back to <br /> them. Sunrise Park Irrigation - why wasn' t it used - Barry <br /> though there was a head problem but will check it out. Land <br /> Pride Mower - why was this purchased - Barry told him the <br /> process and how it turned out that the Land Pride was <br /> bought. Tree down Rice Lake Elem. - Joe said a tree by the <br /> SW field was down on the fence - Barry will take care of <br /> it. Birchwood Acres - George passed around the final master <br /> plan for this park. There was discussion on the soccer <br /> goals. George called resident but they have not returned <br /> his call. Trails - George had concerns about the existing <br /> trails deteriorating. Wants letter sent to the City Council <br /> about this issue. There were other questions about trails <br /> in Lino Lakes and the status of them - Barry will research <br /> and give the board a response. Country Lakes Park - George <br /> asked Barry to see if Marty had contacted Kate Drewry, <br /> RCWSD, about the wetland issue in this park. ) <br /> 11 . New Business <br /> A. Keeping Up Article <br /> (Barry told the members that this was a good article and he <br /> hoped they would read it) <br /> 12 . Schedule Next Park Board Meeting <br /> (Next meeting will be August 4, 1997, 6:30pm, at City Ball) <br /> 13 . Adjourn <br /> (Meeting adjourned at 8 :34pm) <br />