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08-04-1986 Park Board Minutes
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1986 Minutes
08-04-1986 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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PARK BOARD <br /> August 4, 1986 <br /> Chairman Ray Johnson called to order the regular meeting of the Lino Lakes <br /> Park Board at 7:00 P.M. , Monday, August 4, 1986. Present: Ken Johnson, John <br /> Baumann, Kim James. Absent: Bill Nissen. Jim Flannery arrived at 7:05 P.M. <br /> and George Lindy arrived at 7:35 P.M. Also present were Don Volk, Public Works <br /> Director and Shar Foster, Secretary. <br /> CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES - July 7, 1986 <br /> Ken Johnson moved to approve the minutes of the July 7, 1986 Park Board meeting <br /> as presented. Mr. Baumann seconded the motion which carried unanimously. <br /> RAMSEY COUNTY PARK PLAN - Larry Holmberg <br /> Mr. Holmberg, Supervisor of Planning and Development for Ramsey County Parks <br /> and Recreation Department was present, at the request of the Lino Lakes Park <br /> Board, to explain the draft master plan for Bald Eagle Lake and Otter Lake area. <br /> Mr. Holmberg showed a map of the area covered in the draft mast plan, explaining <br /> that the regional park planned for development is in three segments. The Tamarack <br /> nature center area of approximately 350 acres, the Otter Lake area of approximately <br /> 400 acres and the Bald Eagle area of approximately 140 acres are adjacent to the <br /> southeast corner of Lino Lakes and are planned for development over a long period <br /> of time (10+ years) . He stated that this is a draft plan and must be reviewed <br /> and approved by the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners, the White Bear Township <br /> Board of Supervisors and the Metropolitan Council. <br /> Mr. Holmberg felt that the one issue of particular interest to Lino Lakes would <br /> be the boat launch at the south end of Otter Lake. The Ramsey County Sheriff's <br /> Department showed a concern some time ago as to the use and abuse of the current <br /> boat launch in the area and recommended closing the launch. White Bear Township <br /> asked to reopen it The plan incorporates improvement to the boat launch and <br /> further improvement in about ten years. <br /> Mr. Hawkins, a landowner along Otter Lake Road, was in the audience and voiced <br /> some concerns with regard to the boat launch area which is near his property. <br /> He suggested consistent regulations for the entire lake because of the fact <br /> that part of the lake is Ramsey County and part is Anoka County. Mr. Holmberg <br /> said that the regulations on the lake are the same for each county and said that <br /> any regulation against power boats does not seem to be necessary because of the <br /> type .of lake it is and the major use of the lake. Mr. Volk stated that he under- <br /> stood that regulations on the lake could not restrict any of the boats currently <br /> owned by lakeshore owners. <br /> Mr. Hawkins also suggested fencing or guardrails to eliminate the boat launch <br /> users from trespassing on his property. He was instructed to contact Anoka <br /> County regarding this fencing. <br /> Chairman Johnson thanked Mr. Holmberg for attending this evening. <br /> ICE ARENA PROPOSAL - Jim Arntzen <br /> n Mr. Arntzen attended the June, 1986 Park Board meeting and had asked to return <br /> to this meeting to update the Board on the progress of plans for an ice arena <br /> in Lino Lakes or Circle Pines. He stated that the group he represents is no <br />
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