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08-04-1986 Park Board Minutes
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1986 Minutes
08-04-1986 Park Board Minutes
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PARK BOARD <br /> August 4, 1986 <br /> Page Two <br /> longer part of the Centennial Hockey Association and that the group calls them- <br /> selves CACC (Centennial Area Civic Center) , currently in the process of incorpor- <br /> ating as a charitable, non-profit organization. <br /> Mr. Arntzen stated that his organization is looking for a commitment from Lino <br /> Lakes or Circle Pines for a piece of property (approximately 2z acres) on which <br /> to build an ice arena to service the communities in the area. Though the group <br /> would not need to own the property, they would need authority to manage the <br /> operation of the ice arena. <br /> The opinion of the CACC is that the ice arena which was proposed through the <br /> school recently did not become a reality because the citizens were concerned <br /> that taxes would increase. <br /> Ray Johnson suggested Country Lakes Park as a site. Mr. Volk thought that there <br /> may be a problem due to the fact that Country Lakes Park has been developed with <br /> a grant and the plan for Country Lakes did not include a ice arena when the grant <br /> was made available. Mr. Lindy asked that staff check into the possibility of <br /> using Country Lakes Park, particularly checking with the grant administration <br /> office to see if this would create a problem. <br /> Mr. Arntzen was asked whether utilities would be recommended for the ice arena. <br /> He did not feel that utilities would be needed, however they would need to follow <br /> the zoning regulations of the City. <br /> The CACC needs a commitment for a piece of land immediately in order to begin <br /> fund raising. When $250,000 is raised the building could begin. <br /> Ray Johnson thought that another possibility would be the lots which were just <br /> recently received at Sunset Oaks. Mr. Volk explained the growth that the City <br /> expects to see along Lake Drive near 35W and said that possibly a few years down <br /> the road this would be a suitable location. Mr. Arntzen stated that at this <br /> time a commitment for land- is needed, the particular location would not need <br /> to be designated. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Lindy moved to approve in concept the idea of an ice arena and <br /> make available to CACC, 2-1/2 acres we have available, for an ice arena facility. <br /> Ken Johnson seconded the motion which carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Volk was asked to put together a list of possible sites for the ice arena. <br /> COUNTRY LAKES PARK <br /> The following updates were given on Country Lakes Park: <br /> - The fishing dock is in and being used regularly. <br /> - Signs are on order and delivery is expected within 2 - 3 weeks and will be <br /> erected immediately after delivery. <br /> - Buoys are on order. <br /> - Mr. Volk is negotiating with the prison officials for a crew to brush and <br /> clear the area as needed. This should be sometime this year. <br /> - Mr. Volk is working with the Police and Fire Departments for a rescue system. <br /> - Park will be soon ready for grand opening. <br />
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