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PARK BOARD <br /> January 6 , 1986 <br /> Page Two <br /> TAX FORFEIT PROPERTIES <br /> Mr . Schumacher reported that the deeds for the tax forfeit <br /> properties are in the City safe-deposit box and all necessary <br /> paperwork to complete the transaction of gaining title to the <br /> tax forfeit properties have been recorded . The particular parcel <br /> of interest to the Park Board is the second half of a lot in <br /> Sunset Oaks (the first half of which is already a tot _ lot .) <br /> COUNTRY LAKES PARK GRANT AND DEVELOPMENT <br /> Mr . Schumacher reported that he filed an application for a one- <br /> year extension to complete the development planned for Country <br /> Lakes Park ( for which funding has already been granted ) . This <br /> extension will allow the City through the summer season of 1986 <br /> in which to complete the beach house , dock and boat launch plans <br /> or return the funds allocated . <br /> Mr . Schumacher indicated that a representative of the DNR toured <br /> the park and suggested a "passive" launch for carry-on watercraft <br /> rather than a full -fledged boat launch . This alternative may be <br /> more suitable for the layout of the park and may also satisfy the <br /> conditions of the grant money for a boat launch . Further discussion <br /> indicated that another possibility would be a drop off area large <br /> enough for one vehicle , with a parking area nearby . Mr . Lindy <br /> and Mr . Nissen , being most familiar with the Fake and park, volun- <br /> teered to tour the site and return to the next meeting with their <br /> recommendations for a boat launch . <br /> With regard to the dock , Mr . Schumacher reported that funding has <br /> been and may still be available through the state fora particular <br /> type of dock which would be very heavy duty and normally cost about <br /> $20 , 000 . Mr. Lindy suggested the City fabricate a heavy duty roll - <br /> a-dock for easier maintenance and removal during winter months and <br /> a feature for height adjustment to conform to the water level changes <br /> experienced during the year. MOTION : Mr . Ray Johnson movedAapply <br /> for the grant for the $20 , 000 dock plus have plans in place to fabri - <br /> cate a dock . Motion seconded by Mr . Flannery . Carried unanimously . <br /> Mr . Volk agreed to check with the DNR on the $20 ,000 dock and fund- <br /> ing and also work up cost figures to fabricate a suitable dock . <br /> The issue of a beach house , as was originally planned for the park, <br /> is still undecided . Some members of the Board feel that there is <br /> a possibility of a silting problem on the beach which may cause <br /> expensive maintenance of the beach . Even though the City has al - <br /> ready been granted funding for the beach house , the Board feels <br /> that another summer season will help them make a decision on whether <br /> the silting problem is extreme enough to deter beach use in the <br /> future . Therefore , at the end of the summer season a decision will <br /> be made on the issue of a beach house and/or a well for running <br /> water. For the 1986 summer season , portable rest room facilities <br /> will be provided . <br /> Mr . Schumacher again reminded the Board that action needs to be <br /> taken before the extension expires. <br />