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10-21-1985 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1985 Minutes
10-21-1985 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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PARK BOARD <br /> October 21, 1985 <br /> Page Two <br /> Mr. Volk reported that a signage package has been designed and will <br /> be ordered with the public works annual sign order in time to be <br /> installed for the opening next spring. He suggested that a routed <br /> wood sign be planned to mark the beach. <br /> TOUR OF THE CITY FOR FUTURE PARK PROPERTY <br /> Chairman Johnson said the Park Board had arranged and taken a tour <br /> of the southeast portion of the City looking for possible park <br /> property for future development. Several sites were located which <br /> -may be suitable for a 20-25 acre park. <br /> Chairman Johnson suggested that the action taken by the City to <br /> procure the land be done as soon as possible and as painlessly as <br /> possible , in order to cause the least amount of upset to the public . <br /> The procedure the Board felt should be followed is to 1) welcome <br /> donations in the areas designated , 2) negotiate for purchase of the <br /> property if not donated, 3)go through condemnation procedures only <br /> if all else fails. <br /> ACTION REQUESTED : The Board asked that Ray Johnson communicate to <br /> the City Administrator the locations the Park Board prefers for park <br /> property, and the City staff send a letter to the proper landowners <br /> informing them that the City is .interested in accepting or purchasing <br /> their property for park purposes . <br /> It was discussed that ideally, two parcels , one near the southeast <br /> corner and one near the northeast corner, of approximately twenty <br /> acres each should be pursued, but the Board felt that the availability <br /> of funds to purchase park land limits the City to pursuing only one <br /> parcel at this time . The Board did feel, however, that an area of <br /> 20+ acres would be necessary to adequately accommodate four ball- <br /> fields and other planned park facilities . <br /> This item will appear on next month' s agenda. <br /> BUDGET/CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN <br /> Mr. Volk presented the most recent budget for parks and noted that <br /> the capital outlay figure of $15 ,000 for 1986 had been slashed in <br /> half to $7 ,500 . The capital improvement plan rough draft which he <br /> had distributed at the last meeting reflected $15 ,000 for 1986 . He <br /> explained that this budget is not final yet , but he felt that it <br /> probably would not be cut further, and that the $7 , 500 for capital <br /> outlay is from general fund rather than from dedicated park funds . <br /> In 1985 ' s budget , there was $8 ,000 allocated for capital outlay. <br /> This amount was from dedicated park funds . To this date , there '.is <br /> still $3 ,000 remaining in the 1985 budget . This $3 ,000 is ear- <br /> marked for a piece of equipment which Mr. Volk has been unable to <br /> obtain. <br /> Mr. Volk also mentioned that in the past the Circle-Lex VFW and the <br /> Lino Lakes Lion' s Club have given alot to the parks either through <br /> donations of money or equipment , etc . <br />
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