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02-04-1985 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1985 Minutes
02-04-1985 Park Board Minutes
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h PARK BOARD <br /> February 4, 1985 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to <br /> order by Chairman Ken Johnson at 7: 10 P.M. , Monday, February 4, <br /> 1985. Also present were Flannery , Scherer , R. Johnson, Nissen. <br /> Mr. Crampton was absent . Mr. Lindy joined the meeting at 7 :45 <br /> P.M. Mr. Bohjanen , Liaison; Mr. Volk, Public Works Director; <br /> Mr. Schumacher, City Administrator; and Mrs. Foster, Secretary <br /> were also present . <br /> CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 5. 1985 <br /> Mr. Scherer moved to approve the minutes as presented. Motion <br /> seconded by Mr. Nissen. Motion carried. <br /> UPDATE ON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN <br /> The Board reviewed the Capital Improvement Plan and questioned <br /> several points. With the information collected from Mr. Schumacher <br /> and Mr. Volk, the following items were understood: <br /> Outfield fencing which was scheduled to be installed in 1984 <br /> was not installed. The figures on the 1984 C. I .P. were for <br /> plastic fencing. After some research Mr. Volk reported that <br /> the plastic fencing does not hold up and it is not recommended <br /> by those who have used it in the past . Therefore, he suggested <br /> that the 1985 plan call for metal fencing at a cost of approxi- <br /> mately $2 , 000 to $2,500 per field for outfield fencing; and <br /> approximately $600 more per field to include out of bounds <br /> fencing. The Board felt that Mr. Volk should collect actual <br /> quotes for the fencing and this item should be an agenda <br /> item again closer to the time that the fencing would be needed <br /> and could be installed. <br /> - There was approximately $54, 000 budgeted in C. I .P. for 1984 <br /> and approximately $50, 000 was spent . Mr. Volk reported that <br /> the actual versus plan for the C. I .P. and total budget fell <br /> very close in 1984. <br /> - Country Lakes Park - Mr. Schumacher reported that everything <br /> per the contract for development of the park has been completed <br /> with the exception of some miscellaneous cleanup. Basically <br /> this includes the entrance, parking, excavation on the beach, <br /> rough in of walking trails, seeding and mulching of park, <br /> and a gravel surface road. The dock will be constructed <br /> in the spring of 1985. There is no pad for launching boats , <br /> and the State did call a short time ago and talked to Mr. <br /> Schumacher with regard to the access to the lake . It is <br /> felt that the access as it stands now should be considered <br /> sufficient for now. The park is scheduled to be open to <br /> the public in the Spring of 1985. Mr. Volk agreed to research <br /> the City ' s liability for the park with the City Attorney , <br /> arrange for the proper signage for the park, and arrange <br /> for some bleachers and/or benches and beach supervision. <br /> LaMotte Park - the 1985 budget includes funds to grade and <br /> seed LaMotte Park. <br />
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