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11-05-1984 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1984 Minutes
11-05-1984 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting <br /> November 5, 1984 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to <br /> order by acting Chairman George Lindy at 7 :12 P .M. on Monday , <br /> November 5 , 1984 . Present : Scherer , Ray Johnson , Nissen , and <br /> new member Doug Crampton . Absent : Ken Johnson , Flannery . <br /> Mr . Volk and Mrs . Foster were also present . <br /> CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES <br /> Ray Johnson moved to approve the minutes of September 10 as pre- <br /> sented . Seconded by Mr. Scherer . Motion carried . <br /> Ray Johnson moved to approve the minutes of October 10 as pre- <br /> sented. Seconded by Mr. Nissen . Motion carried. <br /> INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBER <br /> Mr. Doug Crampton was introduced to the Park Board . Each member <br /> introduced himself and welcomed Mr . Crampton . <br /> OPEN MIKE <br /> Mr. John MacDonald, 6901 LaMotte and a nearby neighbor appeared <br /> before the board to respectfully request that the Board offer <br /> any assistance they can in seeing that the problem of silt drain- <br /> age and damage caused by a ditch on Centerville Road running into <br /> Centerville Lake receive some attention . <br /> The gentlemen did not intend to place blame on the City for the <br /> condition , but have been frustrated in their attempts to convince <br /> the DNRor Anoka County Park Department . They felt that if the City <br /> made such a request , it may get results . Mr . Volk felt that the <br /> St . Paul Water Department may be the proper authority and/or the <br /> Anoka County Park Department . <br /> Ray Johnson moved to recommend to City Council that a letter be <br /> sent to the proper authorities explaining the situation and asking <br /> for action to clean up the silt damage and stop the ditch from <br /> draining into the lake. Motion seconded by Mr . Scherer . Carried <br /> unanimously . <br /> PARK BOARD BUDGET <br /> Mr. Volk handed out the latest revision of the 1985 budget for the <br /> Park Board and explained that it was not final and that it is <br /> basically a 'maintenance ' budget . He noted that the budget did <br /> include ' disease tree control ' primarily for the control of oak <br /> diseases , because of the fact that the elm disease is fairly uncon- <br /> trollable. <br /> The budget was reviewed and discussed, with Mr . Volk answering <br /> several questions . The budget was for information purposes only . <br />
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