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07-02-1984 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1984 Minutes
07-02-1984 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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Park Board <br /> July 2 , 1984 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to order <br /> by K. Johnson on July 2 , 1984 at 7 : 25 p.m. (late due to lack of quorum) . <br /> Members present: Aerer, Flannery , Nissen . Absent : R . Johnson, Lindy . <br /> MINUTES - JUNE 4 , 1984 <br /> Mr. Scherer moved to approve minutes as presented. Seconded by Mr. Nissen. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> LAMOTTE PARK <br /> Due to the fact that a quorum would only be present until 8 :00 p.m. , <br /> this agenda item was handled first . <br /> K. Johnson explained the situation surrounding LaMotte Park . The land <br /> was donated to be used as park property; it cannot legally be sold, but <br /> can legally be given back to the donating party or heirs ; no plans for <br /> park development at present or in the future; City maintains the land <br /> (mowing twice a year per Don Volk) ; no revenue of any kind is generated <br /> from the land. <br /> Shirley Drewlo and Lois Tuckner (heirs to the donating party) appeared <br /> before the Board, explaining that they had appeared on October 3 , 1983 , <br /> at which time , they had offered $5,000 to the Board in lieu of the re- <br /> turn of the LaMotte property . They circulated pictures of the area as <br /> evidence that , in their opinion , the property was an eyesore and not <br /> maintained . <br /> Mr. Johnson and Mr. Volk explained the legal ramifications of this sort <br /> of offer; that moneys in lieu of the property would not be legal ; that <br /> the City would have to hold a public hearing, including all the surround- <br /> ing residents ; that in the past some of the neighbors were insistant in <br /> leaving the area park property , even if vacant; the City does on occasion <br /> clean up refuse on the property and try to keep area looking decent . <br /> Mr. Flannery moved to pass this item on to the Council for a public hear- <br /> ing. Mr. 9herer seconded the motion . Mr. Volk suggested that the Board <br /> make a recommendation to the Council as to how the Board would like to <br /> handle the situation . Mr. Flannery-amended his motion to include "since <br /> there are no plans for the development of the property , and no moneys <br /> are being generated for the City , and because the property could become <br /> a nuisance to the adjacent properties , this Board recommends vacating <br /> the property . " Motion carried. <br /> Mrs . Drewlo and Mrs . Tuckner were told that this item would appear on <br /> the next Council agenda and they would be notified . <br /> PARK RESERVATION POLICY <br /> Mr. Volk brought to the Board 's attention the fact that families have <br /> requested to reserve parks for family reunions , etc. , and that at pres- <br /> ent , no policy exists regarding reserving parks . Presently , only organ- <br /> ized athletic associations and "Sandburr Days" have used the parks on <br /> a "reservation" basis . Mr. Volk was asked to submit to the Board for <br /> approval a policy regarding the use of the parks and the tennis courts , <br /> to include a "case-by-case permission by Council " process for family <br /> reunion requests , etc. In the meantime , parks are to be handled as in <br />
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