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07-02-1984 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1984 Minutes
07-02-1984 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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Park Board <br /> July 2 , 1984 <br /> the past. <br /> TOUR OF PARKS <br /> A tentative date of Tuesday , July 10 was set for the Board to tour the <br /> parks . Mr. Volk was asked to inform Ray Johnson and George Lindy . All <br /> will meet at City Hall at 5 : 30 p.m. Baldwin Lake area is to be included <br /> in the tour. <br /> At this time, Mr. Flannery had to leave the meeting - the Board then lost <br /> quorum. The remainder of the meeting was handled as discussion . <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Mr. Volk updated the Board on the following old business . <br /> Tennis Courts - Courts at Arena Acres are open - notice of same is to <br /> appear in local papers the week of July 4 . Landscaping on exterior of <br /> courts is still in progress . The gates will remain unlocked. No hours <br /> have been established. The area has been built as vandal-proof as <br /> possible. Mr. Volk also suggested that some signs , i . e. , "No Street <br /> Shoes" be put up. <br /> Park Survey - Mr. Flannery 's letter regarding the park survey has been <br /> submitted to the local papers for publication . <br /> Storage Building - Materials for Lino Park storage building have been <br /> purchased. <br /> BMX Tower - The City did donate some time and work to the BMX track <br /> tower which should be completed in 1-2 weeks . The tower itself will <br /> be locked for safety and made as inaccessible as possible (approximately <br /> eight feet off the ground) . <br /> 1984 Capital Improvements Plan - The Plan , which has not yet been brought <br /> to the Council, was reviewed. Two major projects - the Shenandoah seeding <br /> and building of picnic tables and park benches will probably be delayed <br /> until fall . <br /> Mr. Scherer expressed his dislike to the City investing time and money <br /> in a project such as the BMX track and added that in his experience in <br /> other cities , only insurance was provided by the City and organizations <br /> paid usage fees to the City for their activities . Mr. Johnson asked <br /> Mr. Volk to look into the concessions at the track and see how much <br /> money is generated through concessions and how other cities handle this type <br /> of situation and usage fees . Mr. Volk expressed that he was not in <br /> favor of usage fees , but would like to see organizations donate time <br /> or money for park improvements , etc. This will be an agenda item for <br /> next month 's meeting. <br /> Mr. Scherer moved to adjourn the meeting at 8 : 25 p.m. Seconded by Mr . <br /> Nissen . Aye . <br />
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