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06-04-1984 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1984 Minutes
06-04-1984 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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Park Board <br /> June 4 , 1984 <br /> (continued) <br /> Discussion followed as to the geography of the land, location and surround- <br /> ing area , etc. Mr. Schumacher, at the suggestion of the Park Board will <br /> send a letter to St. Paul Water Works stating our possible interest in <br /> the property , and to notify them of the fact that the Park Board will be <br /> studying the area as to the possibility of continuing the lease , and to <br /> ask what price will be put on the land. There does not seem to be any <br /> urgency in this matter on the part of the St . Paul Water Works . <br /> CONSIDERATION OF QUOTES FOR SURFACING TENNIS COURT IN ARENA ACRES <br /> Two quotes have been submitted for surfacing the tennis courts in Arena <br /> Acres : Recreational Surfaces --- $2 ,520 . 00 and Sjostrom, Inc. -- <br /> - $2 , 764 . 80 . <br /> Mr. Schumacher stated that Mr. Volk 's opinion is that the low bid is suffi- <br /> cient . The bids include a two-color system - single court in red and <br /> doubles court in green . <br /> Motion was made by Ray Johnson to recommend to Council to contract 'Recre- <br /> ational Surfacers ' providing they offer a one-year guaranty . Mr. Arntzen <br /> seconded the motion . Motion passed. <br /> A suggestion was made that announcement of the opening of the Arena Acres <br /> tennis courts be published in the community newspapers upon completion of <br /> the project to make all city residents aware of the new courts . <br /> LINO LAKES ATHLETIC ASSOCATION - STORAGE SHED <br /> Ron Ailara of the Lino Lakes Athletic Association presented to the Board <br /> an estimate from Knox Lumber for the shelving needed in Lino Lakes Park <br /> Bldg. Discussion of the material on that estimate followed and the Board <br /> was told by Mr. Ailara that labor for the construction of the shelves will <br /> be volunteered by the Association, painting of shelves will be done by the <br /> Boy Scouts , the shelves will beused mainly for storage of softball equipment <br /> and that the VFW has agreed to pay the first $300 of construction costs . <br /> Ray Johnson moved to recommend to Council payment of moneys toward construc- <br /> tion costs not to exceed $380 , provided VFW pay first $300 and that labor <br /> is handled as was stated above. Motion seconded by Mr. Lindy and carried . <br /> Mr. Ailara also informed the Board of vandalism damage done to the exist- <br /> ing building. It appears that a trash can has been used for vandals to <br /> climb atop the buiding and destroy the wind turbine and damage has also <br /> been done to the door (possible attempts to break and enter) . The <br /> Athletic Association would also like to have the trash can moved to pre- <br /> vent repeat problems of this nature. <br /> Mr. Schumacher took responsiblity to see that the trash barrel be moved <br /> and also to check the severity of damage done and if necessary check <br /> with the insurance company as to the coverage and deductible and notify <br /> Mr. Ailara of his findings . <br /> DISCUSSION OF BIKEWAY GRANT APPLICATION <br /> Mr. Schumacher reported that per a letter received from MnDOT, no money <br /> has been allocated for this year for bike paths . The City did submit <br /> an application, as prepared by Jack Ferguson which provided a plan for <br />
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