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02-06-1984 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1984 Minutes
02-06-1984 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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Park Board <br /> February 6 , 1984 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to order <br /> by Chairman Johnson on February 6 , 1984 at 7: 00 P.M. Members present ; <br /> R. Johnson, Scherer, Flannery, Arntzen. Absent : LaBlond, Lindy. <br /> MINUTES - DECEMBER 5,1984 <br /> Mr. R. Johnson moved to approve the minutes as presented. Seconed by Mr. <br /> Scherer. Motion carried unanimoulsy. <br /> LAMOTTE PARK - POSSIBLE SALE <br /> Mr. Volk reported that preliminary investigation on the sale of this <br /> property had been done. It can either be sold as one parcel for approximately <br /> $35 ,000 .00 or can be split into three parcels and sold for approximately <br /> $15, 000/20, 000 per lot . <br /> There was a question as to the costs for splitting this land and Mr. Volk <br /> said,beyond the costs for surveying, there should be very little costs. <br /> Mrs. LaBlond interuppted the meeting at this point to present her letter <br /> of resignation. The Board expressed their regrets and thanked her for her <br /> contributions to the Board. <br /> The discussion on the sale of the Park land continued. Mr. Arntzen asked <br /> if the money from the sale of this land would go to the Park Fund and Mr. <br /> Volk felt that it would. <br /> Mr. Arntzen felt that the land should be split into three parcels and put <br /> on the market for sale with the understanding that the money received from <br /> the sale of this property would be dedicated to the Park Fund. <br /> There was some questions as to the status of the land to the East that <br /> had been proposed for platting - Mr. Volk said he was not sure where this <br /> proposal stood at that time. There was also some discussion as to the <br /> offering these lots to those persons first . The general consensus of the <br /> Board was that this should be done. <br /> Mr. Flannery suggested this Board should ask the Council for an opinion as <br /> t.o the disposition of this money - will it be dedicated to the Park Fund? <br /> Mr. Bohjanen, from the audience , felt this had been the policy of the City <br /> to deposit this type of money into the Park Fund. He did point out that <br /> he was not sure if this was still the City policy or not . <br /> There was further discussion on the use of this money . The Board also <br /> discussed the need to meet with Centerville on the possible sale of this <br /> property and the fact that any new development in that area could have an <br /> effect on their park . The Board felt this should be discussed with the <br /> City . <br />
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