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02-06-1984 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1984 Minutes
02-06-1984 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board <br /> February 6, 1984 <br /> page two <br /> . Mr. Volk was asked to follow up on this matter. <br /> Mr. Arntzen moved to forward a formal request to the Council relating to <br /> the sale of this property and the disposition of the money from the sale . <br /> The Park Board requests a Council decision as to where this money would be <br /> dedicated. Seconded by Mr. R. Johnson. Motion carried unanimoulsy. <br /> SUNRISE PARK <br /> Mr. Volk reported on the sue of the park by the hockey teams and the pro- <br /> blems he had encountered with warming house attendents . There had been some <br /> problems with the scheduling for the hockey teams but this had all been <br /> worked out . <br /> There was discussion on the upkeep of the rink with MR. Volk noting that <br /> almost all of the flooding is done by the hockey association. Someone asked <br /> about the pleasure rink and Mr. Volk said sometimes the Association floods <br /> that riank also. <br /> Mr . Volk reported on the problem with the use of the phone at the Park. <br /> This phone is on a limited call basis and any calls made overthe alloted <br /> 75, the City must pay. The number of calls per month is running over 300 <br /> and this makes for a large phone bill at that location. Mr. Volk reported <br /> they are trying to solve this problem by locking the phone so it not so <br /> accessible. If this fails, then there is the possibility of having the <br /> phone removed which is not a thing to do. Mr. Volk felt that if one child <br /> is hurt and the phoen is needed, this would more than warrant the need for <br /> the phone . He will report on this at a later meeting. <br /> BIKEWAY SYSTEM <br /> The Park Board members had been supplied with a map indicating the traffic <br /> count along the City streets. In th eprocess of considering viable locations <br /> for a bikeway , Mr. R. Johnson suggested the stretch from Maudie ' s on the <br /> South to the intersection of Highway #49 and County Road #23 on the North. <br /> The feasibility of this was discussed in reference to the condition of the <br /> shoulders of this roadway. Mr. Volk explained the work that would be <br /> necessary to make this a feasible project . <br /> Mr. K. Johnson asked if there are any plans for upgrading Main Street and <br /> MR. Volk said he had talked with the County Highway Department last year <br /> and there was no definite plans that he could obtain at that time. <br /> Mr. R. Johnson asked about the procedure to desingate Biarch Street as a <br /> bikeway. He was told that first the City must obtain permission from the <br /> County . Once that has been done, thien it is just a matter of posting the <br /> area. <br /> On the subject of the grant , the Board felt the March 2nd deadline left very <br /> little time. Mr. Volk felt there was time to write the application for <br /> the grant with the current information. This can always be changed at a <br /> leter date, if the need arises. <br />
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