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APf2- 19-9Ei 1U : fd� FRUM:UhNitnNNIHL JR HIUH lU:tb12lt=IYJ1OtJL <br /> ti <br /> Although more popular with students, the students thought that <br /> allowing private industry to come to Lino Lakes and allow such <br /> amusement as go kart racing and miniature golf would be popular <br /> in our area. <br /> 5. TRAIL SYSTEM FOR ALL TERRAIN VEHICLES <br /> Many of the students relayed to me that their families t_ur•Penti yr <br /> have ATV' s, mini bikes, or small motorcycles that there is <br /> currently no place to ride. Students feel that this Weald lie ci <br /> great asset to the city. <br /> 6. HORSE BACK RIDING TRAIL SYSTEM <br /> Again the syetem in place at Bunker Bills was mentioned by <br /> several staff and students. All agreed that this would he ve£•y <br /> beneticial to the city and could be modeled after the Bunker <br /> Hills Program. <br /> Thee were several of the most mentioned items brought to my <br /> attention in my conversations with youth and ptatt at the lwniPP <br /> high level . Lino Lakes currently has somewhere in the area of 815 <br /> .� students attending Centennial Junior High SQhQQI ;iilri <br /> approximately 400 area students attend the senior high. While <br /> this random survey of students and stair is not, eclantific Gr' <br /> structured, I believe that the wants and needs were relayed to me <br /> in good faith. I hope this is some help to you and your st�sf: , <br /> Thank You <br /> Brandon Young <br /> Lino Lakes Police <br />