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04/01/1991 Park Board Packet
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04/01/1991 Park Board Packet
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Is <br />PARK BOARD MEETING <br />March 4, 1991 <br />The regular March meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was <br />called to order at 7:00 PM at Lino Lakes City Hall by Board <br />Chairman Ray Johnson. Board Members in attendance were Candi <br />Toffoli, Bob Williams, John Baumann, Ray Johnson, Ken <br />Johnson, and Bill Nissen. Absent was George Lindy. Staff in <br />attendance were Don Volk, Director of Public Works and Marty <br />Asleson, Superintendent of Parks, Recreation and Forestry. <br />Consideration of Minutes - There were no corrections or <br />additions to the minutes of February 4, 1991. The minutes <br />were approved as mailed. <br />Open Mike - Mr. Paul Brandt, spokesperson for the Lakecrest <br />Park neighborhood group appeared under open mike. Mr. Brandt <br />was asking as to the current status of Lakecrest Park. He <br />noted that he had been at the last City Council meeting, and <br />was in attendance tonight so he could let the Park Board know <br />that the neighborhood was still very concerned with getting a <br />park in their neighborhood. Ray Johnson advised Mr. Brandt <br />that the current status of this park purchase is scheduled as <br />10,41, an agenda item to be discussed later on in this meeting. Ray <br />did, however, mention that the City Council would like to <br />continue the purchase agreement for the Lakecrest Park <br />property until the Comprehensive Park Plan study could <br />determine whether there is indeed a need for the park land <br />purchase. <br />Mr. Ron Birch, developer and owner of the "old Hanson gravel <br />pit" property appeared at this time. He was scheduled to <br />appear on tonight's agenda under "New Business", but <br />requested to appear earlier on the agenda. Mr. Birch showed <br />the board a plat plan and explained his plans. He plans to <br />build approximately 40-43 unit executive townhomes here. <br />This is a 20 acre parcel located on the east side of Lake <br />Amelia off 20th Avenue, just north of Ash Street. He says he <br />has been in contact with the Department of Natural Resources <br />in trying to have this development lend itself to the natural <br />surroundings. Mr. Birch explained that these townhouses will <br />not be targeted for the young family, but for retirees or <br />"empty nesters." He explained that he would like to make this <br />development in two phases, if phase I is successful, then he <br />will go on to phase II. Ray Johnson asked what type of park <br />dedication Mr. Birch had in mind. Mr. Birch wants to be <br />able to put in a trail system and commons area that will be <br />deeded to the townhome association, and also maintained by <br />the association. Mr. Birch suggested that he may have to <br />dedicate funds rather that property for park dedication <br />because of the location being near ponds, and wanting to use <br />r-� the ponds for a more natural setting for canoes, etc. to get <br />PAGE 1 <br />
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