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PARR BOARD MEETING <br />February 4, 1991 <br />Previous to the regularly scheduled meeting, the Park Board <br />met with City Administrator, Randy Schumacher, at his <br />request, to discuss the possibility of reducing the size of <br />the Park Board from seven members to five. <br />Park Board Members in attendance were: Candi Toffoli, Bob <br />Williams, John Baumann, Ray Johnson, Ken Johnson and George <br />Lindy. Absent was Bill Nissen. Staff in attendance were Don <br />Volk, Director of Public Works and Carole Kohler, Parks <br />Secretary. <br />Mr. Schumacher explained that last year the City Council <br />reduced the size of the Planning and Zoning Board (now called <br />the Design and Review Board) to five members, allowing for <br />more staff input, and the results have been very favorable. <br />The Council has suggested that the Park Board be reduced for <br />.� this reason, and also to be consistent with the DRB. <br />Ray Johnson questioned why this was not discussed during <br />regular Council meetings. Mr. Schumacher suggested that the <br />members attend the next Council Meeting where this will be <br />discussed. <br />The issue of a liaison was also brought up. Ray Johnson feels <br />a lack of communication between the Council and Park Board <br />has occurred since there was no replacement after Andy Neal <br />resigned as the Park Board liaison. Don Volk explained that <br />the possibility of the reverse (a liaison from the Park Board <br />to the Council) has been discussed. This solution seemed to <br />be agreeable to Ray, if the report from the Park Board was at <br />the first part of the Council Meeting <br />The general consensus of the Board was that they all feel <br />this seven member board is doing a good job as it is, the <br />size does not encumber them, as a matter of fact, they feel <br />that the current seven members give the board a good <br />representation of the City as well as more diverse ideas <br />concerning neighborhoods, ages, background, etc. <br />Mr. Schumacher stated that no firm decision has been made at <br />this point, and that he will bring the Board's comments back <br />to the Council. He suggested that if someone has any comments <br />or suggestions before next Monday's meeting, call him, or <br />come to the meeting and express your feelings at that time. <br />1 <br />