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n CITY OF LINO LAKES <br /> PARK BOARD MEETING <br /> MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1995 <br /> The April 3, 1995, City of Lino Lakes Park Board meeting was <br /> called to order at 6 :30pm. <br /> Roll call was taken, members present were George Lindy, Chair, <br /> Sharon Lane, Pam Taschuk, Amy Donlin, Betty Piper, Ken Johnson, <br /> and Joe Schmidt. Also present were Marty Asleson, Park, <br /> Recreation, and Forestry Coordinator, Barry Bernstein, Recreation <br /> Program Supervisor, and Sandie Wood, Recording Secretary. <br /> APPROVAL OF MARCH 6, 1995 MINUTES: Sharon Lane made a motion to <br /> approve the March 6, 1995 minutes, Joe Schmidt seconded the <br /> motion. Minutes were approved with no additions or corrections. <br /> OPEN MIKE: There was no one present to speak under Open Mike. <br /> UPDATES AND OLD BUSINESS <br /> PARK UPDATE/MASTER PLANNING/BASE MAPPING: <br /> WENZEL FARMS <br /> Marty gave background information on this development. He said <br /> the plan was developed with the help of Iron Mountain Forge, and <br /> the neighborhood group. The budget for this play area was <br /> $15, 000 and the costs for the desired park elements were in <br /> excess of this figure so the neighborhood has been through a need <br /> prioritization and fundraising campaign. <br /> Marty introduced LuAnn Snell, Mike Snell, and John Sullivan, from <br /> the Wenzel Farms neighborhood. LuAnn told the Park Board what <br /> the neighborhood group has done to get to where they are now. <br /> She said the first meeting was January 30, 1995, with <br /> approximately 30 people in attendance. Marty gave them equipment <br /> catalogs and introduced them to the Friends of the Park <br /> Committee. He also gave them a copy of the Friends of the Park <br /> grant criteria. She continued by saying they met again in <br /> February to discuss equipment options and discuss a fundraiser. <br /> March 3 they received a quote from Flanagan' s for equipment and <br /> met March 12th to work on the grant application and eliminate <br /> equipment because the quote came in $7000 over budget. They <br /> submitted the grant application to the Friends of the Park on <br /> March 16 . They decided to pursue a hard court surface area. <br /> From March 20-27 they did a door to door campaign, collected from <br /> 77 out of 136 households to raise $3313 . 00. Mike and John <br /> attended a Friends of the Park meeting to answer questions on <br /> their grant application. The Friends have been in contact with <br /> them and they need additional information before making a <br /> decision on this grant. The Friends requested written approval <br /> 1 <br />