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3 <br /> <br />The Council originally intended the 2040 Plan as an update to the 2030 plan and few significant <br />changes were expected. However, there were changes to the land use plan and the staging plan <br />and the chapter includes graphics to identify exactly where those changes occurred. <br /> <br />The land use chapter will be implemented by adopting a new Zoning Map to correspond with the <br />land use changes and the city will update the City Code to implement the comprehensive plan <br />goals as noted in the Planning Districts (in this chapter) and the Implementation chapter. <br /> <br />Chapter 4 - Housing <br /> <br />The Housing Plan satisfies the requirements of the Metropolitan Land Planning Act and <br />stipulations of Minnesota Statute §473.859, Subd. 2(c) and Subd. 4. The plan includes <br />background information on current housing supply and an assessment of current and future <br />housing needs. Chapter 12 of the Comprehensive Plan includes implementation strategies for the <br />Housing Plan and other plan chapters. <br /> <br />The city developed a Land Use Plan that identifies residential areas at a variety of density ranges <br />and will incorporate areas with higher density housing options. This will accommodate a wider <br />variety of housing types including senior housing, live/work units, and multi-family in a variety <br />of styles from rental, condo and townhomes. Single family options will range from entry-level <br />single family, move-up for growing families and “executive housing” to meet the needs of a <br />changing population. This shift to provide a more diverse housing supply supports future <br />economic development objectives by retaining existing residents and attracting new residents <br />from all social and economic backgrounds and is an essential component for sustainable growth. <br />These areas will provide much needed housing options for the city’s work force, young <br />professionals, families, and senior residents. The 2040 Comprehensive Plan continues to <br />accommodate these housing options. <br /> <br />The city is required to show how the comprehensive plan will accommodate their share of the <br />regional demand for affordable housings. “Affordable” housing is defined as housing that is <br />affordable to low-and moderate-income families. The Metropolitan Council has calculated Lino <br />Lakes’ share of the region’s need for low- and moderate-income housing for the decade of 2021- <br />2030 to be 515 new units. <br /> <br />The city must demonstrate that it has guided residential land at densities sufficient to create <br />opportunities for construction of affordable housing, to accommodate its share of the region’s <br />affordable housing need for 2021-2030. The regional and local plans will be updated again in ten <br />years, at which time the city will need to accommodate the need for affordable units in the <br />following decade of 2031-2040. <br /> <br />Chapter 5 - Economic Development <br /> <br />This chapter will set goals and policies for economic development, document some of the key <br />indicators of the city’s economy, describe available economic development assistance tools and <br />describe the economic development priorities as established in the city’s Economic Development <br />Strategic Plan. This chapter also provide employment and commuter patterns.