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4 <br /> <br /> <br />Chapter 6 - Transportation <br /> <br />The purpose of the Transportation Chapter is to provide the policy and program guidance needed <br />to make appropriate transportation-related decisions when development occurs, when elements <br />of the transportation system need to be upgraded or when transportation problems need to be <br />addressed. The Transportation Chapter demonstrates how the City of Lino Lakes will provide for <br />an integrated transportation system that will serve the future needs of its residents and <br />businesses, support the city’s development plans, and complement the portion of the <br />metropolitan transportation system that lies within the city’s boundaries. <br /> <br />Chapter 7 - Local Water Management Plan <br /> <br />The City of Lino Lakes’ Local Water Management Plan (LWMP) is a local management plan <br />that meets the requirements of Minnesota Statutes §103B.235, Minnesota Rules 8410, the Rice <br />Creek Watershed District Watershed Management Plan (dated January 2010, as amended <br />November 9, 2016), and the Vadnais Lake Area Water Management Organization Watershed <br />Management Plan (dated October 26, 2016). Minnesota Statute §103B.201 states that the <br />purposes of the water management programs are to: <br /> <br />• Protect, preserve, and use natural surface and groundwater storage and retention systems; <br />• Minimize public capital expenditures needed to correct flooding and water quality <br />problems; <br />• Identify and plan for means to effectively protect and improve surface and groundwater <br />quality; <br />• Establish more uniform local policies and official controls for surface and groundwater <br />management; <br />• Prevent erosion of soil into surface water systems; <br />• Promote groundwater recharge; <br />• Protect and enhance fish and wildlife habitat and water recreational facilities; and <br />• Secure the other benefits associated with the proper management of surface and <br />groundwater. <br /> <br />Chapter 8 - Sanitary Sewer <br /> <br />The 2040 Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan has two primary purposes. The first purpose is to <br />provide recommendations and guidance to the City of Lino Lakes by evaluating the sewer <br />system requirements needed from now through the year 2040 and beyond. This is completed by <br />developing a strategy to implement a sanitary sewer system in accordance with the anticipated <br />growth and development patterns of the city, as forecasted in the City of Lino Lakes 2040 Land <br />Use Plan and devising a proposed infrastructure system that can be feasibly and economically <br />constructed to support this growth. <br /> <br />The second purpose is to produce documentation that can be used by state and local agencies, <br />particularly the Metropolitan Council, for future local and regional planning purposes. As a <br />result of projected population increases and land use changes in Lino Lakes, the Metropolitan