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5 <br /> <br />Council estimates that sanitary sewer flows will increase approximately 54 percent between 2010 <br />and 2040. This Sanitary Sewer Plan outlines the locations in which the Metropolitan Council can <br />expect to see increased wastewater flows, allowing the Council to determine if capacity upgrades <br />will be required in the region. This plan was developed in conjunction with the Land Use plan. <br /> <br />Chapter 9 - Water Supply Plan <br /> <br />This chapter describes Lino Lakes’ plan to meet its existing and future water supply needs in a <br />safe and dependable manner. First, it evaluates the existing Lino Lakes water system to identify <br />any needs or deficiencies. Second, it identifies the future water system needed for the city’s <br />growth through full build out based on the city’s population projections described in Chapter 1 <br />and the 2040 and Full Build Land Use Plans described in Chapter 3 of this plan. <br /> <br />This plan recommends that the city consider two water treatment plants, one in the southern <br />region of the city (Water Treatment Plant No. 1) and one in the northern region of the city <br />(Water Treatment Plant No. 2). The city is currently considering the future location of Water <br />Treatment Plant No. 1 to be near the future water tower site along Birch Street. The <br />recommended location for Water Treatment Plant No. 2 is within the potential future well field, <br />located in the northern region of the city. Both water treatment facilities would be designed for <br />the removal of iron and manganese. The city would update the feasibility study before designing <br />a water treatment facility. <br /> <br />Chapter 10 - Parks, Greenways and Trails <br /> <br />The Parks, Greenways and Trails chapter is an update that builds on the strong history of parks <br />and natural resource planning in Lino Lakes, including the 2004 Parks, Natural Open Space / <br />Greenways and Trail System, which was updated in 2011 as part of the 2030 Comprehensive <br />Plan update, and adopted by reference in Chapter 2, the Resource Management System Plan. <br />This chapter of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan brings together and replaces those separate studies <br />with a cohesive plan that reflects the community’s long held belief that ongoing development <br />must be in harmony with preserving the innate character of the city. The common vision and <br />goal that has been carried throughout the various comprehensive plans and park plan updates is a <br />continued focus on preserving the natural open space character of the city. <br /> <br />Chapter 11 - Community Facilities <br /> <br />The purpose of this chapter is to provide goals and policies for community facilities, inventory <br />the various community facilities within the City of Lino Lakes, and to identify future community <br />facility needs to accommodate the need for new services. One update from the 2030 plan is a <br />note that the public works building has outgrown their current space due to the continued growth <br />of the city. The City Council will continue to evaluate options for improvements. <br /> <br />