<br />Regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Commission held on August 20, 19t9pascalledtoorderat8 :10 p,m. by Chairman McLean with all members present except StanleyandJester, Also present were Mr,: Cardinal,; Mr, Gotwald and SKr. Locher,
<br />Mr, Kelling moved to accept the minutes of the July 16 meeting as read. Seconded by Mr,: Karth. Carried.
<br />Mr,; McLean appointed .1r. Karth, er. Jester and Mr. Rehbein to study the Uniform buildingCodeandmakearecommendationtotheBoardonadoptingthiscodebyreference, The CouncilhadrequestedthisbedonebeforeSeptember22nd<, The Code would take the place of the presentbuildingcode, :fir. Gotwald stated that many communities in this area have adopted theUniformBuildingCode, and it was noted that the Code would be more effective if every Vil, lege used it,
<br />er:, McLean announced that the proposed Billboard Ordinance would be presented at the Senn- ember 17 meeting,,
<br />Plastic pipe for drain, waste and vent pipe was di3cussed, with Mr, Gotwald stating thati err: a material stantpoint it is excellent° The main d :awback seems to be the expansion amid eetractionofthepipeinsomecasesuptoeightin:hes, In plaster construction.ehe pipemoveseuitealittleKr, Gc twaid mentioned that ;he plumbing inspector was not in fE), v o c ot'
<br />plasti a pipe but had said that if the State included plastic pipe in the Minnesota S :atenumbingCodethenhewouldgoalongwithitLo- •;t- vourselfers favor plastic pipe b exeseofeaseininstallation,
<br />Mr„ Locher stated that the State had passed a revised Plumbing Code which i.ncluder tilt useofpiaaticpipe:, This code is mandatory in every municipality in the State of. MinnesotaunlesstheVillagewoulddraftsomethingmorestringent:,
<br />Mr„ Keiling moved to recommend to the Council they hold of action on plastic pipe in theplumbingrodeuntilitisspelledoutintherevisedMinnesotarlumbingCodeandthisisavailabletotheVillageinprintedform. Seconded by Ar, Rehbein. Motion carried.
<br />At 8:45 er. , McLean opened the public hearing to consider the petition of Bruce O. Kafka andMr, Leo e, Kafka, for a Special Use Permit to park, maintain. and occupy as a residencetatLeoF. Kafka, for the natural life of Leo _'. Kafka, a mobile home, according to 1,w, onthelandsituatedintheVillageofLinoLakes, Minnesota at 6250 Ware Road. -'1r, Locherpresentedtheaffidavitsofmailingandpostingaccordingtolaw° There were no objectionsfromtheaudienceortheBoardtowardthemobilehome.
<br />it was noted that the action taken at the previous Board meeting should have been to recommendanearingandnotamotionrecommendingtheSpecial_ Use rermit,
<br />Mr, Kelling moved to recommend to the Council they grant a special use permitto Mr, Leo F. Kafka on a mobile home (10' by !45a minimum per code) understanding any time he terminatesthisusethetrailerwillbemovedtootherpropertywithproperpermitsorremovedfrom theVillage° Seconded by Mr. Husnik. Motion carried. Hearing adjourned.
<br />At 9:00 p.m, Mr. McLean convened the public hearing to consider the petition of Naegele Out- door Advertising Company, Inc,, for a Special Use Permit to construct and maintain, accordingtoLaw, Outdoor advertising directional signs on parcels of land on Birch Street near theentrancetotheJandricdevelopment. Mr. Locher presented the affidavits of posting endfilingaccordingtolaw. No one was present from Naegele.