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08/20/1969 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
08/20/1969 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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Aarr, hehbein moved to coneirele the hearing until $u <br />Wore specific informatien on size .rid description <br />the Council meeting on Monday, August 25 or at the <br />17th, The applicant will be notified of this deci <br />It was pointed out the permits should be issued in <br />to be presented. hearing adjourned. <br />1r1 time es the applicant could supply <br />ef the sign:3. This could either' he at <br />next elan-cling Board meeting on September <br />eion, Seconded by Mr. Kelling. Carried <br />light of the Billboard Ordinance on <br />Mr, McLean reouested copies of the new traiier ord:mance for each of the Board membees, <br />Mr, Locher distributed copies of the proposed unde.ground utilities ordinance. Buried cable <br />costs about ten times as much to install as overhead cable, There was some discussion on <br />the cost of installation which would be paid by the consumer, A gentleman from NSP <br />meet with the Council on Monday night to discuss the proposed ordinance. Mr. Gotwald wiil <br />contact someone to meet with the nlanning Board oi September 17th. Mr. Gotwald had s.lreaca <br />contacted a public relations man from the Minnesota Mobile Home Association to eeet eiLn th <br />Board on the 17th and give them a true picture of ehe taxes concerning mobile Somee, <br />Mr. Al Stein and Mrs, Ahlmann appeared to discuss he proposed teener pa' or aae <br />This land will have to be rezoned to commercial arel will aleo require a specjal use were <br />They mast present a petition signed by 2/3 of the randowners within 300 feet of the eiepetv <br />or the Council could rezone the land by resolution <br />Mrs Ahlmann told of the problen ? involved le trying to <et signatures on a peeitece She <br />stated that no one was opposed tc the proposed par bet yee hey would not sig e pe ,Ie <br />in favor of it Mr, Husnik suggested leaving a 300' etrip of their land as resiere <br />all around the rezoned perk nnn then no signatures would be reouired but their <br />Mr. SteinStein stated they would work on this suegestioe, <br />Mr, Cardinal stated it had been eentioned thee the ordinance should include <br />the utility buildings for shelter in case of toenacoes, etc, Mr, Gotwald didn e ehiee ,e- <br />basements would be large enough to accomodete L000 people and in this case the peeocdo <br />school could be used for shelter, Sewer for the eourt was discussed. <br />Mr. Gotwald presented the proposed thoroughfare map. The main object of the map is le poin, <br />out proposed future roads for the convenience of the Building Inspector in issueing buildire <br />permits. This map showed future roads on the sectnon lines as well as other roses, Ar. <br />Gotwald thought it would be nice to have a boulevaid system around the lakes but also agreed <br />it would be impossible on some sides of the lakes, Mr. Gotwald will color in the swamps <br />and lowlands and add the quarter section lines to the map. <br />Mr. Ken Rehbein requested a va riance for a lot lees than 2i acres in size on Oak Lane on <br />the Hubert Hammer property, The crooked roadway was discussed in detail. Mr, Kelling <br />moved to recommend to the Council they grant a variance to Hubert Hammer with the con- <br />tingency that positive action be taken to acquire 66 feet of roadway. Seconded by Mr, <br />Husnik. Motion carried, <br />Mr, Kelling moved to adjourn at 10:15 p.m,' seconded by Mr, Karth. Carried.
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