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06/18/1969 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
06/18/1969 P&Z Minutes
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5/6/2022 8:49:22 AM
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P&Z Minutes
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The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board held on June 18, 1969 <br />was called to order at 8 :09 p.m. by Chairman McLean with all members present except <br />Mr. Stanley and Councilman Cardinal. <br />Mr. Jester moved to accept the minutes of the May meeting as read, seconded by Mr. <br />Rehbein. Carried. <br />Alfred Maisio appeared to request permission to make two lots out of three lots on <br />Nordin Street. (near Maple and Orange Streets) Mr. Rehbein questioned the fact that <br />he would be able to get building permits for homes on these lots as Nordin Street has <br />not been accepted as a Village Street. They could see no problems in making the two <br />lots from the three lots. <br />Mr. Rehbein moved to recommend to the Council that Mr. Maisio appear before the Council <br />Monday evening and get their opinion and that of the Attorney and the Building Inspector <br />as to the building of homes on these lots. The Planning and Zoning Board has no objection <br />to making two lots out of three. Seconded by Mr. Nailing. Carried. <br />A public hearing was held on the request of Mr. George Smith, for a Special Use Permit <br />to oDnstruct, maintain and operate, according to law, a riding stable and all necessary <br />structures and improvements incident thereto on the land he rents on Birch Street. <br />This is the farm formerly owned by Louie Rehbein, now owned by I.A.I., a corporation.) <br />Mr. Locher arrived at this time.) Mr. Locher presented the affidavits of mailing to <br />the 4joinning property and mentioned that the letter sent to Emmett Leibel had come beck <br />to his office. Mr. Smith stated he had questioned his neighbors end found no objections <br />to his riding stable. Mr. Jester mentioned he had heard objections from one neighbor. <br />Mr. Smith said he had had experience in the horse business and had operated two stables <br />previously, one in Montana end one in Dakota. <br />Mr. Rehbein moved to recommend to the Council that the farm rented by Mr. Smith on Birch <br />Street not be rezoned to commercial but left as residential property and that*. Smith <br />be granted a Special Uae Permit to operate a riding stable, under the condition that his <br />horses are kept off the public streets end other property at all times. Seconded by Mr. <br />Husnik. Vote: All 'yes, except Mr. Jester. Motion carried, <br />Mr, Al Stein appeared to request a rezoning or a special use permit for a mobile home <br />court on 75 acres on Elm Street on the property nos owned by Josephine Fsyavville. Also <br />with him were Crystal Ahlmann and Mrs. Feymoville. He said he wanted to talc over his <br />plans with the Board and get a copy of the ordinance before he goes any further with <br />his plans. He thought he could Look up the sewer with Circle Pines sad that he would <br />pay for it 'for the moment.' Mr. Rehbein questioned this as other des her, wanted <br />to hook up with Circle Pines and have been told, 'yes they could, but Circle Pines wanted <br />to annex the property.° Mr. Stein realised the court would be contingent on hooking up . <br />to Circle Pines. It was mentioned that these negotiations would have to be 'between the <br />two Councils and the NSS,SD. Mr. Stein stated the sass of the court would be approximate1 <br />100 mobile homes. <br />Mr. McLean informed his the Council is Ming revisions in the Ordinance and that their <br />hands are tied° until a tinsl deaisioaa is made by ths:Cpumail. When the Ordinance is <br />completed M r. Stein Dill :valve e Dopy. (Al Stein, 845 --45th Avenue LE. ,Hills. 55421) <br />Mr. Ember reported that Mr. Larkin ct Nesgele Billboard Company had called him and wee <br />wry enzious for Line &noes to Mass a billboard ardinanoe. Mr. McLean told him that he <br />would get the sample OWASMSs book trot Brovold and Stanley and reassign these to . Ather <br />tsars at the Boost to be a 0O3ed.
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