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03/19/1969 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
03/19/1969 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board meeting of March 19, 1969 was called to <br />order by Chairman McLean at 8 :05 p.m. with all members present except Mt. Jester. <br />Councilman Cardinal was also present. <br />Mr. Kelling moved to accept the February 19 minutes ee read. Seconded by Mr. Reh- <br />bein. Carried. <br />Mr. Kelling presented the list of proposed street names of the Jandric Development <br />with deletions of repeated names by the Hugo and Circle Pines Post Offices. These <br />will be given to the Village Clerk. <br />Mr. Gary Krogsen requested a rezoning of about two acres of land on Peltier Lake <br />from residential to commercial for the purpose of erecting a concrete block build- <br />ing to house a showroom and maintenance area for Rupp snowmobiles. He mould else <br />service and sell lawnmowers in the summertime. <br />Mr. Kelling moved to recommend to the Council that public hearings be set up be- <br />fore the P&Z and Council concerning this request. Seconded by Mr. Brovold. Car- <br />ried. Mr. Krogsen was told to appear at the Monday night Council meeting. <br />Mr. Roy Stanley presented a request from Lyle Krueger asking for two variances to <br />divide one 18O° lot into two 90° lots. <br />Mr. Stanley moved to recommend to the Council the granting of two variances to Lyle. <br />Krueger to divide a lot into two parcels with the general descriptions of: (.) <br />North part of the Elmer G. Kruger tract, located in the NE 1 /4-SE 1/4 of Section <br />8, T 31, N,, R 22 W, Anoka County: Minnesote. and (2) south part of the Ebner G. <br />Krueger tract, located in the NE 1 /4-SE 1/ 4 of Section 8, T 31, N, R 22 N, Anoka <br />County, Minnesota.(Compiete legal description in official minutes book,) <br />Seconded by Mr. Kelling. Carried. <br />Taro other men appeared to request two variances next to Lyle Krueger'+ property <br />but as they did not haves certificate of survey were told to come back at a 1atT.c <br />date. <br />Mr. Winfield West was present to discuss the plumbing codes for the Village and <br />plumbing inspection. His main suggestions were to adopt the Minneaota Plumbing <br />Code and the Ordinance and Code Regulating Individual Sewage Disposal Systems by <br />reference with amendments concerning cast iron surer pipes installed under new <br />houses for the purpose of future connection to a central system and a vent in.- <br />stalled in the basement for the purpose of future connection of utilities in the <br />basement. He stated that septic tanks are more important than the plumbing itself <br />es .a poor septic system can contaminate the whole area. <br />He mentioned that the Village cannot license a plumber because they are already <br />licensed by the State. However, he recommended that bonds should be required of <br />licdplumbera and licensed well drillers. If these two codes are adopted the <br />onlrniuired for printing of the ordinance itself would be to keep three booklets <br />in the office marked "Official Copy". use are available. <br />After much discussion Mr. Rehbein moved to recommend to the Council that they adopt <br />Minnesota Plumbing Code by reference with the amendment thetcast iron pipes be <br />tubbed under the house to the front of the house for future central system. <br />The code and the amendment would apply to all new construction and major replace- <br />ments. Seconded by Mt. Kelling. Carried. <br />After further discussion Mr. Rehbein moved to recommend to the Council the adoption <br />of the Ordinance and Code Regulating Individual Swage Disposal systems with certain <br />deletions recommended by llr. West. 8eoonded by *. Sllliag. Carried.
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