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03/19/1969 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
03/19/1969 P&Z Minutes
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5/6/2022 8:49:22 AM
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P&Z Minutes
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A well ordinence will be discussed et a icier date. <br />410 til% McLean thanked Mr. West for attending the meeting end for all his thformetion. <br />Yr. Winfield West (429-0372) and Mr. Arthur Marcott would be eveilable as plumbing <br />inspectors for the Village of Lino Lakes if so desired by the Council. Their foes <br />are: <br />3.00 for the first plumbing opening; 75 for each addition:al opening <br />c,10 opening house would be $/.75) <br />7.50 for a reinspection fee if neceesary which iv paid for by the plumber <br />7.50 for e red tag; double fee for etertieg work before a permit is taer <br />cut and $7.50 to inspect a eeetie tank The Tillage weuld have to reel <br />en additional amount to the bill for clerical work. Cr. West would te available <br />to help the Clerk set up the necessary paper vonk. <br />Additional ordinances were diecussed end Chairman MeLeEn rued that vlrtIv: <br />members of the Board study diffenent ordinances and report beck to the <br />They were: <br />Mobile Home Court Ordirenceeekrnold )(ening eed Chic Jesten .e)ort back. <br />at the April 14 meeting. <br />Billboard ordinance—Dave Brovold ard Roy Stanley to repoet back in 60 days'. <br />Future amendments to the plumbing ordinance—Glenn Rehbein and Jim Hnenik to <br />neport in 50 'Jaye, <br />Mr. McLean distributed copies of the boonets--MTEROPOLITAN O/Ti: Aed <br />DISTRICT TWO to each member of the Board. <br />Mr. McLean asked Ur. Cardinal to report from the (AnnoteLl ',1Thich he did teusly: <br />1. Concerning the bed intersection et 35W end highway 8 hn rteted tilt tee <br />Council had sent a letter to the State aakirg for batter policing and e <br />possible reduct!on in the speed limit to 40 melee per ',Lour, <br />2. Mr. Jandric had posted a bond for $98,7551.0 o cove he street <br />in his new development which shotad ecru eboue $65,Ve,00, <br />3. The Council had received a letter from J, R, Stockstead commendine the <br />Council and the Planning Board for their cooperation on the rezelinz <br />and variance for the Sunray DX Station on 35E and Main Street. <br />4. The Building Inspector had been rent to inspect the up/11; housel en <br />Highway 8. <br />5. The Schwenk' trailer occupant was to be out of the trailer by the end of <br />March. The occupant of the trailer on the Rea Rehbein tproperty Is build- <br />ing a house at the trailer site. <br />Mx. Rehbein questioned Mr,. Cardinal on the progress being made toward a new Village <br />Hall. Mr. Cardinal replied that the Council is checking with various companies and <br />will inspect the County building at Bunker Hill. <br />Mr. Kelling had been asked if Keith Apitz had had hie property rezoned as he hes <br />a sign in front of hie building for Muscat Sales and Service and had also advertited <br />in the paper, Mr. Cardinal suggested that the Villege Clerk could write Mr. Apitz <br />and ask if he wished to have his land rezoned, <br />Mr. Kelling moved to adjourn at 10:10 p.m., seconded by Mr. Stanley. Carried.
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