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04/21/1969 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
04/21/1969 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board meeting of April 21, 1969 was called 'o order <br />by Chairman McLean at 8 :15 p.m.. Those present were: Husnik, Kelling, McLean, Jester <br />and Cardinal. <br />0 Mr. Husnik moved to accept the Lerch 19 minutes as read. Seconded by Mr. Kelling. Carried. <br />Mr. Omer Cardinal appeared to request s permit to put a trailer home on his one -acre lot <br />on Peltier Lake for the summer months. Mr. Huanik objected to this because the Village <br />always has such a difficult time getting the trailers out of the Village once they give <br />them a 90-day permit. Andy Cardinal stated that he would be within the ordinance to get <br />two 90-day permits. W. Jester thought that the man owns the property and should be given <br />the opportunity to live on it in the summer. Mr. Jester inquired about the possibility of <br />requiring a forfeiture bond to guarantee that the trailer would be out by October first. <br />Kelling moved to table the matter of this trailer permit until the Mobile Home Ordin- <br />ance had been discussed later in the evening. Seconded by Mr. Jester. Carried. <br />Mr. (beer Cardinal stated that he had sold his home in South St. Paul and had to have <br />another place to live by May first. He was told that he would be telephoned the Board's <br />decision the following morning. <br />Cecil LaMotte presented a new map of land he had platted and had added two additional <br />lots to the plat be had previously presented tci the Board. It also showed the proposed <br />10 per cent to be dedicated for park use and the proposed street layout. As soon es Mr. <br />Gotwald gives him an estimate for streets he will secure the necessary bond. <br />Mr. Keiling moved to recommend to the Council that they consider favorably the emended <br />map of Cecil LeMotte which has an additional two lots from the previously accepted plat, <br />with the understanding that it be examined first by the Attorney and the Engineer. <br />Seconded by Mr. Jester. Carried. <br />Mr. Alan Reese requested two variances for two lots on Oak Lane having lees than the e- <br />quired 2 1/2 acres. <br />Mr. Jester moved to recommend to the Council that they grant two variances to Reese end <br />Loveland on two lots for home sites on Oak Lane. Seconded by Mr. Husnik. Carried. <br />Keith Apits stated that he had received a letter from the Village Clerk inquiring whether <br />be desired to have his land on Birch Street rezoned from agricultural to commercial are <br />he was repairing cars and trucks in a new garage designed for this purpose, and also <br />selling and servicing snowmobiles. Mr. Apits said he was interested in rezoning and also <br />desired to buy more lend and add additional garage space and put in gas pumps. The con. <br />census of the Board wee that he should call the Attorney and discuss his intentions and <br />get the Attorney's opinion of how he should proceed in this natter. <br />Mr. Arnold Selling and Mr. Chick Jester had been requested by Chairman McLean to examine <br />the Blaine Mobile Home Ordinance and report back to the Board. They both reported that <br />they had studied the ordinance in great detail. Both men were very pleased with the <br />ordinance as it Is written. Mr. Jester stated the only thingehe could think of that was <br />not covered were entryways and foundations around the trailers end he felt this could be <br />controlled in some way by the building inspector or the owner could be held responsible. <br />Jim Huenik mentioned that double site trailers should be required to have larger lots, <br />but name agreed that with the ten-foot set -back from the street this would automatically <br />take care of the problem.
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