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03/15/1967 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
03/15/1967 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The Marc': 15,1967 meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zonin7 Commission <br />was called to order by Chairman Glenn Rehbein. Members present were: <br />Glenn Rehbein, Roy Stanley, Henry Heckenlaible, Ken Bryant, Duane Klepe1. <br />Minutesof the previous meeting were read and approved. Glenn asked for a <br />report from the Council. Lindy Cardinal reported that Mr. Roy Stanley was <br />appointed to fill the vacancy. <br />A group representing the American Telephone and Telegraph Company was then <br />asked to present their proposal for construction of a relay tower within <br />Lino Lakes. Present were Mr. H. Johnin.„1110@aiklin, Chris Linn attorneys <br />and lawyers representing A.T. T. They reported that the test proved that the <br />site was ussiable and that the 165 ft. high tower would complete the length <br />between Wyoming, Minn. and St. Paul. This would provide another path for <br />the relay of television, telephone and other signals into our area. The <br />transmission would be at the 426 kilomegacycle range. They stressed the <br />importance and difficulty of finding agood location which would provide a clear <br />path for the microwave team. A photo was passed around showing the tower and <br />building. This building will be 42 x 24 feet, one story concrete construction. <br />The approximate cost of building andtower is,$100,000. The total land involved <br />is 2. 1111 acres adjoining the SAaohing on County line. The area surrounding the <br />building and tower would be fenced in and maintained. The rest of the land is <br />to be used by adjoining property owners for pasture and the like. The Chairman <br />asked for questions or comments from the audience. There were none at the time. <br />Village Attorney Locher asked several questions. In answer to these questions <br />the representatives of AT &T replied (34 They would pay a gross earnings tax <br />to the county (2) The tower is built to withstand 135 mph winds (3)The resident <br />could be assured that there would be no interference with local TV reception <br />or any other form of communication resulting from the presence of the micro <br />wave tower. This is mainly because of the extremely high frequency at which <br />the relay tower operates far above any of our local TV or radio frequencies..
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