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03/15/1967 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
03/15/1967 P&Z Minutes
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5/6/2022 9:09:37 AM
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5/6/2022 9:04:31 AM
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P&Z Minutes
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2— <br />Also, the relay tower operates on a narrow beam line of eight principle. <br />Ken Bryant, who also questioned the possibility of interference was further <br />assured that none would result; rather this tower would help minimize <br />interrupted TV pictures due to network failure because it would provide <br />another path in the event of the failure of an existing link. <br />Klepel questioned whether the village would have to grant permission before <br />such changes as additional height to antenna and the like could be performed. <br />The attorneys answered "Yes ". <br />Glenn asked why the name of the tower was to be "Centerville Tower" rather <br />than Lino Tower. The AT &T representatives replied that the FCC assigned the <br />names and they had no control over this. It was moved by !r. Heckenlaible and <br />seconded by Mr. Bryant to recommend that the council grant a special use <br />permit to the AT &T for construction of this tower. In discussion Ralph <br />L'Allier and other in the audience thought the tower should be named "Lino <br />Tower." Motion carried. Attorney Locher further requested the AT&T appear <br />before the council at their next meeting, presenting an exact legal description <br />of the land. They also should apply for building permit. <br />In other business discussion was held on street planning and village zoning. <br />It was decided to hold a special meeting Thurs. Mar. 30 for working on planning <br />maps. Building Inspector Al Dupre reported that a trailer house permit on <br />Hiway 8 was past the 90 day limit and that no construction had as yet started on <br />a home. After discussion the Bldg. Insp. was advided to keep in contact with <br />the situation tad use his best judgment and follow legal action ifnecessary. <br />Ken Bryant questioned ifa person should be appointed to represent us at <br />Planning District II but was informed District II had performed its work and <br />that astudy for which we paid should be forthcoming. A discussion was held <br />on being able to have our own postal identity to help promote the village.
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