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06/21/1967 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
06/21/1967 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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Planning Meeting <br />The June 21, 1967 meeting-of the Lino Lakes Planning Commission was called to <br />order by Chairman Glenn Rehbein. Minutes of the previous meeting were read statement <br />4 <br />corrected to read "Lot I of Block 3 ". Minutes were then approved. Members present <br />were: Kelling, Heckenlaible, Rehbein, Cardinal, Stanley, Klepel..- <br />Old Business: Mr. Tom Anderson was present to answer questions which the Planning <br />Commission asked at the previous meeting.. Mr. Anderson presented a survey map and <br />requested that he be given a variance of Ordinance 21 especially regarding not black - <br />topping the road on his project. This was necessary so that he could obtain a mortgage <br />on the buildings now under construction. Questioning and discussion followed.. Mr. <br />Anderson stated the following: he had obtained building permits for those buildings <br />now under construction, he had provided for the water problem by putting the footings <br />at the grade level of Fourth Avenue, buildings will not be sold, he owned the property <br />and the road was a private road which at the time Fourth Avenue was paved or at the time <br />the buildings are sold the road would be brought up to village specifications and <br />turned over to the village. He said he could not see the sense of blacktopping the <br />road w440k Fourth Avenue wasn't blacktopped and as it would just be broken up by future <br />construction. He said he would maintain the road. He said more development of the <br />area is intended and that he is in the process of platting atthe present. He stated <br />that Carley Assoc. told him he should wait until Fourth Ave. was blacktopped before he <br />blacktops and because the property is his he could have a private road. <br />The Planning Commission hesitated to give a variance for this case without legal <br />opinion. Councilman Bill Bohjanen said that the Council had already approved the variance <br />on two buildings only but wanted the Planning Commission to review the situation and <br />grant approval also. After more discussion motion was made by Kelling, seconded by <br />Hecl :enlaible that permission for the construction be granted on buildings at 401, 403, <br />405 provided that Mr. Anderson at least comply with fiction a. of Ordinance 21 but that
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