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06/21/1967 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
06/21/1967 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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no more building permits could be issued until the Plat is completed and Ordinance 21 <br />complied with. Motion carried. <br />New Business: Mr. James Bermier requested approval of Subdivision of One Lot <br />out of ttenty acres of his mother's property along County Road 14 (Main Street).: <br />He presented a survey of Carley Assoc. which complied with the requirements of a <br />preliminary plat. He stated he would be constructing a beauty shop in the basement.. <br />This would meet State Dept. ofHealth requirements. After consideration and questioning <br />motion was made by Heckenlaible, seconded by Kelling we recommend the Council approve <br />a preliminary plat of James Berrnier. Motion carried. <br />Mr. William Morrison, 6297 Hodgson Rad. appeared before the Commission stating <br />he wished to start a dog kennel and wanted a kennel license as he already had been <br />operating for some time now with no complaint from the neighbors. He also presented <br />a petition containg signature of neighbors. He stated he wanted to be legal as he <br />would invest considerable money into the operation. Ordinance 37 regarding Dog Kennels <br />was read which stated he would need a special use permit and have to be located on <br />commercial property. As his property is zoned commercial he was told to appear before <br />the Council and apply for a special use permit.. <br />There was a Building Permit request from Douglas Gene Ramsdell,: A survey map <br />which met the requirements for preliminary plat accompanied the request and the lot <br />met requirements. However, q uestion was- raised about the remaining 72 ft. wide and <br />50 ft. wide lots either side of the lot in question. Motion was made by Heckenlaible <br />seconded by Stanley that we- recommend Council approve the plat he be given a building <br />permit. Also that he be notified of future problems of the unplatted 72ft and 50 ft. <br />lots either side of his as they do not meet% village requirements. Motion carried. <br />Laisin member Andy Cardinal reported for the Council. He contacted Viola Tiltgen <br />who gave him the information from the final report of Planning Dist. II.. Kelling made <br />a motion seconded by Heckeklaible to invite her to attend our netting and present the <br />information to us. Motion carried. Cardinal also stated that the Council requested <br />the Planning Commission recommend 5 or so names for the Committee to Study the Road
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