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12/21/1967 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
12/21/1967 P&Z Minutes
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5/6/2022 9:09:38 AM
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P&Z Minutes
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2— <br />preliminary comprehensive villa: plan and that you d_ntt have to i:ire a <br />professional planner as nobody is better able to plan the area than the <br />people who have lived there. <br />A map and study report was shown on sewers wiitt':in our village. This was <br />first done in 1961 at which time preliminary study was made based on natural <br />drainage elevations, proposed meximum populati.: n etc. In l of a comprehensive <br />sewer study was done in the area north of and west of 'E_iehway 8 to deteri. °_ine wether <br />we should put a pipe under the freeways then or wait till later. Booklets <br />showing the results of t'.e e studies will be given to the Flae:fe Board members. <br />EstLeeted costs were arrived at, for c:: eplo: t :e Lakeview area was esti!_.: ca <br />cost ) 7 per root o t plus othersaeser .c.r. r r <br />fees would bring the total assessment to approximately ;1:7 3 per lot ;with 30 <br />year interest added to t'. is the cost would be about e0,000. It was pointed out <br />this cost is comparable to other areas putting in sewer and that there is the <br />possibility of federal rants cseecially because of the Youth Center. The map <br />gave the locations of trunk lines and vagious interceptions and the approximate cost <br />of each. The main plan is to run lines both sides of the c'ri.ain of- lakes as <br />ttis is the natural drain ::e pattern. Also shown i^rere locations of low areas which <br />would reuire a lift station. <br />The problem of homes being built on low land was brought out. It was <br />pointed out that homes built below the road fir: >.de level or on low ground would <br />much cost to a sewer system as te e standard depth of sewer line is 8 ft. It was <br />recommended that homes not be built b °low the standard of 18 inches or 1 fibot <br />above the road grade. Also recommended that the Lake shore not be built up because <br />of the low elevation and resultant sewer problems but that we rothe.: follow the <br />example of Iiinneapolis and other towns and cities which 'have kept the lakes open <br />to all by having a road around the lake, and by havin,: a minimum elevation at <br />which a home can be built.
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