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01/17/1968 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
01/17/1968 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning Board <br />The Jan. 17, 1968 meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Comm. <br />was clled to order by Chairman Glenn Rehbein. Minutes of previous meeting were <br />read and approved. Members present: Rehbein , Kelling, Jester, Cardinal, Stanley <br />Bryant, Co ::, Klepel. Mayor L'Aliier, former member Han: Hec'_ ::erlaibie were along <br />others present in the audience. <br />Annual Elections were 2ld: _2a ted for Chairman: Rehbein, Stanley <br />Electe:. Glenn Rehbein. 1'omi x ..oa _or :..^' r St. .ileey, no 1__ati i <br />closed. Unanimous b -.11ot cast for Roy Stanley. Nominated for Secretary: Cox, <br />Kle2el. Elected: Kle:el. <br />Planning Board agreed to continue having the third ';ed. as ita: meeting <br />date for the next year <br />Mr. Kluglman of the Northwest Saddle Club a._;peared to see if the Planning <br />Com•.nission would be favorable of their relocating within our villa;;e. The tract <br />of land considered is on 40 acres of the Dorning property. Tentative plans showed <br />a clubhouse, an arena and trac'': It was brought out that the present operation of <br />the Northwest Saddle Club was conducted in the best ma ne:'. MentionItion w'. made of <br />the proposed roads on boundary lines of the property. Mr. K1u lma.n said he would be <br />ag°reeable to leaving at least 60 ft on their side of the property for roads. After <br />TfurtherGUeS'7.OI'IS and consideration a motion was made by Jester, SE3C0ideQ. by .^.1 in`; <br />that we recommend the council approve the operation and grant whatever permits are <br />necessary providin t_i: t the Northwest Saddle Club a.trees to allow 60 ft on all 4 <br />sides of t ar property for future roads. <br />Mr. Harold Lehman appeared to ask procedure to follow for lot 20 of his <br />property on T ighway 49. The original lot 100 by 1102 ft had been divided sometime back <br />This division hadn't been recorded. He now desired to sell all of lot 19 and westerly <br />part of lot 20 to the trailer park. The lot to be searated is described as the <br />easterly 230 ft of lot 20 bloc.. 1 Arthur E. Thoan acres. Motion by Stanley seconded <br />by Jester that we recommend that the council grant a variance for the subdiviion_ of lot <br />20. Carried
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