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02/21/1968 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
02/21/1968 P&Z Minutes
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5/6/2022 9:46:00 AM
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P&Z Minutes
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The Feb 21, 1963 meeting of the Lino Lakes Plannin -` and Zoning Commission <br />was called to order by Chairman. Glenn Rehbein. Meabers present were: Stanley, <br />Killing, Jester, Rehbein, Bryant, Cardinal, Klepel. Minutes of the 2revious <br />regul =r and special me ting were read cnd approved. <br />Mr. Paul K. Miller of Acton Construction Co. Inc., General Contractor, <br />1371 t' T. Co. Rd. C. St. Paul, appeared with a request to re- locate in our village <br />near 35E and Co. Rd. 14. He told and showed drawings of its plans to build <br />shops and storage facilities on the site.The Planning and Zoning Comm.. questioned <br />him on roads loads etc. Rehbein told him of the necessity for oven hec;irin on <br />the rezoning and attorney Locher read the ordinalce. <br />A luster was read from E.J. Lunt&hein, Anoka Engineer, addressed to <br />Acton Construction Co. which st:,2.ted the felt the county roads would be ample to <br />carry t a load. A motion was made by St`-,'.nley, seconded by Kelling, that we <br />recommend that the council react favorablyably to t` rezoning and construction <br />providing the regular open hearing i s held. CarriedU . <br />E. Harris Associates appeared regarding the rezoning of their property on <br />Main and 35E. The P w Z questioned them on ownership and resale of property, <br />order of development etc. They stated they would retain ownership of it <br />along with other partners and lease the various •sites. Attorney Lacher stated <br />tlat Posting and other recuirenonts had been completed in regard to rezoning. A <br />Motion was made and seconded that we rconnend the council proceed with rezoning <br />of this property. Carried. <br />Tir. Klugran of the I ort_ west Saddle Club, a .lo wit:. the president and <br />other members, appeared regarding the rezoning and special use permit necessary <br />for their operation. Attorney Locher said that posti publication and other <br />requirements had been met. The president of the Club stated tht their club has
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