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02/21/1968 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
02/21/1968 P&Z Minutes
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5/6/2022 9:46:00 AM
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5/6/2022 9:37:48 AM
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P&Z Minutes
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Page 2 <br />been in operation for 20 years and they have 83 members and the arena which <br />they intend to build is worth 65,000; clubhouse worth 15,000. They also <br />reassured the P & Z they would leave 66 2t. beftore the outer limits of their <br />property for future roads. A motion was made by Kellin, seconded by Jester, <br />tat we recommend that t'he council grant the rezonini7 to commercial. Carried. <br />A motion was made and seconded that we recommend the council grant a special <br />use -permit to construct, maintain and oierate, accordin to law, a saddle club <br />and riding arena and necessary structures Carried. <br />Le To Vr ya U <br />Mrs. Latourne appeared regarding a house wnich she proposed to move onto <br />her property (2 1/2 acres) also regarding a barn for the 2ousinr o2 horses. The <br />lArvoe, <br />man committee ( Al Dupre, Glenn Rehbein L. Andy Cardinal) had viewed the T.11 <br />111 -presently at Dale movers. They stated tn3t there only was a 50 amp. service; <br />that the house had been built 41i# a few tines and the floor joists were 2 x 2 in. <br />on 2 ft. centers and some rotten thttf. and rafters 2 x 4s•on 2 ft centers. There— <br />lore they wouldnIt want it moved into tLe villae. Mrs. Latourne asked- the Bldg. <br />Inopsctor i2 he thoucht it could bo brouht up to specifications. He said 4o <br />supposed most 'homes could be, but it is a matter of cost. Mrs. Latourne said she <br />had a contractor and was willing to brin it up to specification End put up a bond if <br />necessary, but that they had to move it in before they could reair it. Membersof <br />tho PLZ pointed out the problem that once a building is in it trobbly would trdB <br />legal action to Vet hose promises carried out as based on past experiences. <br />Glenn Rehboing made a motion, seconded by Kellin, that we recommend the council <br />not r•-nt the movinj: permit. Carried. The attorney stted he felt the land srhauld <br />be rezoned commercial and tht a buildin7 -oermit would be nocessar:: for hbarn. <br />411 mr.. L. said oho would continue to work to 7ct the buildin ins <br />Mr/. Hammer appeared re7ardin subdivision of 5 1/2 acros of nis land adjoiing
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