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07/17/1968 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
07/17/1968 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The July 17, 1968, Planning and Zoning Board meeting was called to order <br />at 8 :10 PM by Chairman Glenn Rehbein. Those present were: McLean, Kelling, <br />Rehbein, Jester, Brovold and Councilman Cardinal and Attorney Locher. <br />The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. <br />Chairman Rehbein opened the Special Hearing for the Blomquist Addition. Mr. <br />Locher talked about the technicalities and showed that the notice of the special <br />hearing had been published in the Blaine Life on July 5 and 12th. He mentioned <br />that the title had not been searched for the legal description and this should be <br />done and he would be glad to do it if Mr. Blomquist would present him with the <br />proper papers. Mr. Locher pointed out that the lots were staked with iron <br />monuments and this is a very good ides as wooden ones can be dislocated much <br />more cattily. He felt this may be an idea which the Board of Zoning should <br />consider. All of the lots met the minimum requirements as per Ordinance 21, <br />and there was room left for roadways. <br />Mr. Rehbein asked for objections from the audience and the Board members. <br />There were none and the hearing was closed. <br />Mr. Rehbein moved to recommend to the Council that Eugene Blomquist and <br />Evelyn Blomquist be allowed to plat as Blomquist Addition the land having <br />the following legal description: <br />The South 200 feet of the West 475 feet of the Southwest <br />1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 31, Town 31 N, Range <br />22 W, Anoka County, Minn., also known as being part of <br />Lot 3, Auditor's Subdivision No. 107, Rnoka County, Minn. <br />Mr. Kelling seconded the motion. Carried. <br />Mr. Harold Hansen introduced Mr. Edwin Isaacson who wished to buy a lot from <br />Mr, Hansen. Discussion followed concerning a variance and the roadway. There <br />was also much discussion concerning private roads and public roads in general. <br />Mr. Hansen stated that he had tried on several occasions to dedicate his road <br />to the Village but had been unsuccessful; Mr. Locher stating that he had never <br />received a legal description of the roadway itself. Mr. Hansen said he was <br />willing to keep the road private but Mr. Rehbein wanted to have the road <br />dedicated right s y so as not to set a precedent for other roads. Mr. <br />Kelling made a motion to recommend to the Council to accept Otter Lake Road <br />as a Village road with the proper legal description and the dedication papers <br />and on a partial maintenance basis. Seconded by Mr. Jester. Carried. <br />The Board then discussed the subject of the variance for the lot which is less <br />than 2 1/2 acres. Mr. Kelling made a motion to recommend t° the Council <br />to issue a variance permit to Harold Hansen proided the road is dedicated <br />to the Village. Seconded by Mr. Jester. Carried. Mr. Hansen then paid the <br />fee to the Deputy Clerk with the understanding it would be refunded if the <br />variance does not go through. <br />Mr. Leon Lillehaugen again appeared to present his plans for a trailer court <br />on the former Steliick property at the corner of 8 and 49. He explained the <br />details for the new members of the Board, again stating that this would be a <br />Triple A approved court. He had talked to Circle Pines about getting utilities <br />up to the court and he would pay for the connecting of same. He mentioned <br />that they would comply with all Village requirements and stated that he would <br />like to see the court restricted so that each trailer could have only one <br />school -age child.
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