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09/18/1968 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/18/1968 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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1r <br />The September 18, 1968, Planning and Zoning Board meeting was called to order at 8:10 <br />by Chairmen Rehbein. Members present were Rehbein, Telling, Jester and *Lean, and <br />Trustee Cardinal and Attorney Locher. <br />The minutes of the August meeting were approved as read. <br />Chairman Rehbein opened the Public Hearing of the rezoning of the Kenneth Rehbein <br />property from residential to commercial wing. Attorney Locher shared the affidavit <br />of mailing to,the adjoining property owners and the posting and publication of the <br />public notice. There were no objections from the Board or the audience. The land <br />to be rezoned is 30 acmes at Fourth and Pine having the following legal description: <br />The West three - fourths of the Northwest one- quarter of the Northwest <br />one.quarter ON 3/4 of NW 1/4 of NW 1/4) of section five (5), TOwnship <br />Thirty -one (31), Range Twentyyplbo (22), Anoka County, Minnesota. <br />Mr, Ken Rehbein also requested a Special Use Permit to construct, maintain, and <br />operate a000rding to lew, a riding stable and horse show arena, and necessary <br />structures end improvements incident thereto on the land described above. <br />Mr. Jester moved that we recommend to the Council to rezone said land to oammeroial <br />and to give Mr. Rehbein a speoial use permit to operate a riding stable. Seconded <br />by Mr. belling. Carried. <br />lb. Floyd Miller appeared to request a Special Use Permit to oonatruct, maintain, <br />and operate, according to law, an office building, garage and cabinet shop, and <br />n ecessary etruatures end improvements incident thereto on residential land he owns <br />on West Rondeau Lake Drive. No publication or public notice is necessary for a <br />special Use Permit but neighboring aesidents had been notified. No one appeared to <br />comment for or against the 8peoial Use Permit. <br />Mr. Telling moved that we recommend to the Council to grant a Special Use Permit <br />to Mr. Floyd Miller and limit the permit to two acres where the building is located. <br />Ssoonded by *. **Leen. Carried. <br />Mr. Cecil leM0tte and Mr. Jim Husgik appeared to request a variance for a lot which <br />Husnik is buying from*. LaYotte on Centerville Lake. After considerable dis- <br />cussion about the roadway, drainage and park land dedication :Mr. Telling moved to <br />recommend to the Council that they grant ilr. L*otte a variance for Lot 1, W tts ®s <br />Second Addition, now known by metes and bounds, if the required legal end engineering <br />requirements are met. Seconded by Mr. Jester. Carried. <br />Chairnaa Rehbein asked Mr. Cardinal to report from the Council. Ile said that on <br />October 16 the Board will be asked for a Special Use Permit for a trailer home on <br />Were Road for an elderly mother. Ile presented the trailer park ordinance from <br />Blaine. Be reported that the Council had obtained an option on the Bill Weldoch <br />property (30 acres at $550 /sore) on Main Street and West Rondeau Lake Drive. The <br />option was $100, which bolds this land until December 31, 1969. At that time, the <br />down permits= be $1000 with payments of $1,200 a year at 5 per cent interest. <br />Mr, Cardinal stated that be bed received a complaint that sirs. Rose LeTourneau had <br />moved in a garage without a permit. The Board of Zoning made a recommendation to <br />the Council to investigate the garage and carry out necessary procedures to correct <br />the situation.
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