thence test one hundred seven and eeventy -three hundredths 107. ?3)feet to
<br />the Westerly lime :.f a public road; Hence North five degrees (50) Forty -nine
<br />minutes :449') Beet, along said road line for One hundred (100) feet to the
<br />point of beginning.
<br />Seconded by Mr. Husnik. Carried. The Dohmen's were instructed to appear at the next
<br />Council meeting.
<br />A general discussion followed amnoerning the Molin Company commonly referred to as
<br />Fly +xieore. The only problem invisioned was that of the dust created and it, was decided
<br />to leave this issue up to the neighbors of the proposed site at the public hearing.
<br />Mr. Roy Stanley requested a variance on a lot on 77th Street, to be divided in two,
<br />having the following legal, description:
<br />TRACT 1. That part of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of
<br />Section 8, Township 31, North, Range 22 West, and that part of Lot 15 of
<br />Auditor's Subdivision No. 134, Anoka County,iMinnesote, described jointly
<br />as follows:
<br />Commencing at the northeast corner of the S 1 /2-SE 1/4 of Section 8,
<br />thence west, along the north line of the S 1/2- SE 1/4, a distance of 1276.35
<br />feet to the point of beginning;thenoe continuing west, along the north line
<br />of the S 1 /2 - -SE 1/4, a distance of 104.35 feet; thence south, deflecting
<br />to the left 90 degrees, a distance of 233 feet; thence east, deflecting to
<br />the left 90 degrees, a distance of 104.35 feet; thence north, deflecting to
<br />the left 90 degrees, a distance of 233 feet to the point of beginning, con -
<br />taining 0.56 acre, more or less, end subject to a 50foot easement lying
<br />south of and adjacent to the north line thereof.
<br />TRACT 2. That part of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of
<br />Section 8, Township 31 North, Range 22 West, Anoka County, Minnesota,
<br />described as follows:
<br />Commencing at the northeast corner of the S 1/2-SE 1/4 of Section 8;
<br />thence west, along the north line of the S 1 /2 --SE 1/4, a distance of 1172
<br />feet to the point of beginning, thence continuing west, along the north line
<br />of the S 1/2 --Se 1 /4, a distance of 104.35 feet; thence South, deflecting to the
<br />the left 90 degrees, a distance of 233 feet; thence east, deflecting to the
<br />left 90. degrees, a distance of 104.35 feet, thence north, deflecting to the
<br />left 90 degrees, a distance of 233 feet to the point of beginning, containing
<br />0.56 acre, more or less, and subject to a 50 -foot easement lying south of
<br />and adjacent to the north line thereof.
<br />Mr. Stanley is allowing 50 feet for widening 77th Street which is only 33 feet wide now.
<br />Mr. Jester moved that we recommend to the Council to grant a variance to Mr. Roy Stanley
<br />on above described lot: seconded by Mr. Brovold. Carried.
<br />It was mentioned that the Council should note that 77th Street is only 33 feet wide and
<br />should be improved upon some day.
<br />Mr. Jester asked for a variance on a lot on Ash Street of less than 2 1/2 acres having
<br />the following legal description:
<br />All that part of the West 100 feet of Government Lot 4, Section 35, Town 31,
<br />Range 22, West, lying South of the St. Paul Water Department right -of -way
<br />and North of Ash Street, subject to said right -of -way and said Ash Street,