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12/18/1968 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
12/18/1968 P&Z Minutes
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5/6/2022 9:49:00 AM
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P&Z Minutes
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The regular meeting cC the Lino I.kes Planning end Zoning Commission held on December 18, <br />1968 wee oelled to order at 8:05 p.m. by Chairmen Rehbein with all members present <br />swept Drovold. <br />The minutes of the November meeting were approved se read. <br />Mr. Howard Speiser requested a variance for a lot less than 2 1/2 acres on Biroh Street. <br />After discussion and examination of the certificate of survey, Mr. lolling moved to <br />recommend to the Council that they grant a variance to ice. Howard Speiser on the lot <br />having the following legal desoription: <br />The South 229.74 feet of the East 104,35 feet of the lest 744 feet of the NW <br />1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 29, Township 31, Range 22 in Anoka County. Min- <br />nesota; said distances being measured parallel to the South and West liner <br />of Said NW 1/4 of the SCI 1/4; subject to en easement for road purposed over <br />the Southerly 33 feet thereof. The total area computation being 23,973.3690 <br />square feet or 0.55 acre. <br />Seconded by Mr. Stanley, Carried. <br />Mr. Kenneth :Wahl, field supervisor for the Rural Cooperative Power Association of Elk <br />River, was present to request a 75 foot easement on eeoh side of a 230 KV line to woes <br />the Lino Park property. This would be carried on single pole steel towers 850 high, <br />giving 26-27' clearance. There was much discussion about different routes that could be <br />followed. lir. Forrest Tegg questioned Mr. tNshl about following section litres or exist <br />roads. Mr. Wahl stated that all routes had been examined end they tried to pick the one <br />that would not disrupt any hones and still give the most direct route from Coon Rapids <br />to step -down substation at Hugo and then to Rush City. Mr. Wahl pointed out that <br />commercial operetions do not object to the overhead lines it is only the residential <br />areas that object for aesthetic reasons. <br />Mr. Kelling moved to reoommend to the council that if the Council wishes to keep the <br />land as a park indefinitely then the request as proposed by RCPA be denied; if the <br />Council intends to someday rezone the property to oommeroial the request could be granted. <br />Seconded by Mr. McLean. Carried. <br />It was pointed out that the Village should receive compensation for poles and /or over- <br />hang on Village land. The present rate of compensation is $175 per lot for over -hang, <br />the Village having two lots involved those being Lots 11 and 14 in Auditoria Sub, 100. <br />It was recommended that the Council consult with the Engineer on this natter before <br />making a final decision. <br />The public hearing for Molin. Concrete Products was opened. Mr. Dupre presented affida- <br />vits of posting which were read by Mr. Locher. He also read the affidavits of publiva - <br />tion and mailing of notices to adjoining property owners. The public hearing was to <br />consider the petition of Moiin Concrete Products Company for rezoning of 55 acres to <br />commercial and for a Special Use Permit to construct, maintain, and operate according to <br />law, a conorete products manufacturing operation, including ell necessary struotures and <br />improvements incident thereto on land in the Village of Lino Lakes. <br />Mr. Rehbein asked for comments from the Board or the audience. Mr. Forrest Tagg quead. <br />tinned Wt. Molin on deposition of waste blocks. Mr. lblin answered that they would be <br />hauled away by trunk about once a week. Mr. Ejvind Henriakaen questioned the location <br />of the building on the land and was told that the company did not know for sure but it <br />would be close to Lilac Lens: He also questioned re -sale of the land and what businesses <br />could be allowed to build - . when , it rezoned oaa neroial.
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