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01/21/1970 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
01/21/1970 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The regular meeting of the Village of Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board held <br />on January 21, 1970, was celled to order at 8 :00 p.m. by Chairman John McLean <br />with all members present. Mr. Cardinal was also present. <br />Mr, Korth moved to accept the minutes of December 17, 1969 es presented. Seconded <br />by Mr. Jester. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. McLean stated that Ordinance No. 52 deals with setting a fee schedule for <br />arocessing petitions for special use permits, rezoning, platting and variances. <br />sir. Locher requested that we recommend whether this should be adopted as an <br />Ordinance to the Village of Lino Lakes, Mr. Locher said some previous applicants <br />felt they should not pay for the services they are getting. The cost of processing, <br />rezoning, platting and variances, and special use permits must be borne by the <br />applicant end not the Village. Ordinance No. 52 etates that no application for a <br />special use permit, rezoning, variance er_ platting shall be accepted or considered <br />unless such application shall be accompanied bye deposit of $100, in addition to <br />a fee schedule for the various types of proceedings described in the ordinance. <br />Mr. Kelling made a motion that Ordinance NW. 52 be passed with the exception that <br />the $100.00 deposit must be paid before considering an application. Seconded by <br />Mr. Karth. Mstion carried unanimously. <br />Mi. McLean stated that we will be unable to process certain of the sign appli- <br />cations from Neegele and Meyer Advertising Companies received to date since they:. <br />do not adequately describe the location of the sign applied for. The sign appli <br />ration from Clem Houle's property asks for two permits and there is only room for <br />one due to the one 990' of frontage. These applications will be referred to the <br />applicants for correction before presentation to the Planning and Zoning Commission. <br />Naegele Sign Company presented applications for special use permits Nos. 70, 13, <br />And 14 which are located on the Jesse Helier property situated on the northwest <br />edge of I -35W, The spacing of these signs was checked with Mr. Gotweld and <br />Mr. Locher and the description of the signs was in accord with our Ordinance No. <br />51. Permit No. 10 refers to a location east 50' of Gov. Lot 2, Sec. 9. Permit <br />No. 13 refers to a location West 50' of Southwest 1/4 of Northwest 1/4, See. 10. <br />Naegele Sign Company also presented applications for special use permits Nos. 11 <br />Ind 12 to be located on Boyd property on the Northwest side of I -35W. Mr. Karth <br />required if permits Nos. 11 and 12 would be spaced in relationship to the three <br />3igns that Meyer's have been granted a permit on the Schmuck property. Since the <br />Neegele Permit No. 11 is to be located in the North 50' of the Boyd property and <br />Permit No. 12 is to be located 1200' Southwest, there would be no problem. The <br />Boyd property bas 2465' of frontage on I -35W. <br />Mr. Jester moved to recommend to the Council that special use permit Nos. 10, 11, <br />12, 13, and 14 be granted to Neegele Sign Company. Mr. Karth seconded this motion. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />The hearing for U.S. Lakes Development Co., Lakes Addition No. 2 plat was called <br />to order about 8:45 p.m. Mr. Locher showed that the hearing affidavits were in <br />order. Mr. McLean reed a copy of Mr. Van Housen's letter dated January 8, 1970 <br />regarding the plat for Lakes Addition No. 2 and Mr. Gotweldt's letter of Janu- <br />ip ary 12, 1970; also the letter from the Village Clerk dated January 16, 1970, <br />which were also related to U.S. Lakes Addition No. 2. (Copies of these letters <br />are attached),
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